
List Anatomy – C

Perineum (perineum) is a complex of soft tissues (skin, muscles, fascia) that close the exit from the cavity of the small pelvis.
Skulls are called nerves coming out of the brain stem or entering into it. A person has 12 pairs of cranial nerves (nervi craniales). They are denoted by Roman numerals in accordance with the order of their location.
The cornea (cornea) is one of the transparent media of the eye and is devoid of blood vessels. It has the form of a watch glass, convex in front and concave behind. The diameter of the cornea is 12 mm, the thickness is about 1 mm.
Connective tissue (textus connectivus) is a large group of tissues, including the connective tissue itself (loose and dense fibrous), tissues with special properties (reticular, fatty), liquid (blood) and skeletal (bone and cartilaginous).
Conjunctiva (tunica conjunctiva) is a connective tissue envelope of pale pink color. It distinguishes the conjunctiva of the eyelids (tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum), covering from the inside of the eyelids, and the conjunctiva of the eyeball (tunica conjunctiva bulbaris), which on the cornea is represented by a thin epithelial cover.
Innate immunity (natural, hereditary, nonspecific resistance) to neutralize the antigen uses nonspecific defense factors, in contrast to acquired immunity, which protects against strictly defined antigens.
In the nervous system, nerve cells do not lie in isolation. They come into contact with each other, forming chains of neurons - conductors of impulses. The long process of one neuron - the neurite (axon) comes into contact with short processes (dendrites) or the body of another neuron following the chain.
The large intestine (intestinum crassum) follows the small intestine. In the large intestine, the cecum is excreted, the colorectal and the rectum. The colon is in turn represented by an ascending colonic, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon.
Clavicula (clavicula) is a long S-shaped tubular bone located between the clavic notch of the sternum medially and the acromial process of the scapula laterally.
The coccyx (os caccygis) is the result of the coalescence of 3-5 rudimentary coccygeal vertebrae (vertebrae coccygeae). The coccyx has the shape of a triangle, slightly curved anteriorly.
The coccygeal plexus (plexus coccygeus) is formed by the fibers of the anterior branches of the fourth and fifth sacral (SIV-V) and anterior branch of the coccygeal (CoI) spinal nerves.
The clitoris is the homologue of the cavernous bodies of the male penis and consists of the paired cavernous body of the clitoris (corpus cavernosum clitoridis) - the right and left. Each of them begins with a clitoris leg (crus clitoridis) on the periosteum of the lower branch of the pubic bone.
Human immunoglobulins are fairly heterogeneous and are represented by 5 classes and several subclasses. They are detected in the blood in different age periods and at different times reach the concentrations peculiar to adults. ω α γ β
The ciliated, or ciliary, body (corpus ciliare) is the middle thickened part of the vascular tract of the eye that produces the production of intraocular fluid.
Choroida (from Latin chorioidea) - the actual choroid, the posterior part of the vascular tract of the eye, located from the dentate line to the optic nerve.
Chewing muscles develop on the basis of the first visceral (mandibular) arch. These muscles originate on the bones of the skull and attach to the lower jaw - the only movable bone, providing a variety of its movements in humans in the temporomandibular joint.
The cheek bone (os zygomaticum) is paired, connects the frontal, temporal and maxillary bones, strengthening the facial skull. In the malar bone, the lateral, temporal and orbital surfaces are distinguished.
Cervical vertebrae (vertebrae cervicales) experience less stress compared to the rest of the spine, so they have a small body. The transverse processes of all cervical vertebrae have an opening of the transverse process (foramen processus transversus).
The cervical plexus (plexus cervicales) is formed by the anterior branches of the four upper cervical (CI-CIV) spinal nerves.
The cerebellum (cerebellum, small brain) is located posteriorly (dorsally) from the bridge and from the upper (dorsal) part of the medulla oblongata. It lies in the posterior cranial fossa.


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