
Social life

To improve performance, scientists advise to sleep longer

Medical specialists from the United States reported on their new discovery: it turned out that the early morning recovery negatively affects the performance of a person during the day.

11 January 2017, 09:00

It became known how to preserve the ideal memory until old age

Scientists have identified several effective ways that will help people to save and even improve memory, despite the age. So, the head of the Institute of the human brain.

06 January 2017, 09:00

Early-Born Children Need Help

According to WHO estimates, every year more and more children are born in the world before the due date (up to 37 weeks).

04 January 2017, 09:00

You can turn off sexual desire

The research team stated that it is possible to control a person's sexual desire, for this, only stimulation of certain areas of the brain by magnetic fields is needed.

29 December 2016, 09:00

The ancient people were raw

In our time, people know how to cook food in all sorts of ways - and this is considered an art. For example, meat can be baked, fried, cooked, stewed - and all these methods need fire.

21 December 2016, 09:00

Drinking more fluids... Or less?

The first thing that doctors recommend during a cold is a bed rest and plenty of drink. But if with bed regimen it seems everything is clear, then a copious drink can cause some disagreement.

12 December 2016, 11:00

Unplanned pregnancy? Pause

A team of specialists from California is sure that the development of the fetus inside the womb can be suspended without negative consequences for both the woman and the future child.

07 December 2016, 09:00

The refrigerator is a source of infection

In Britain, a team of scientists conducted an interesting study in which a place was identified in the kitchen, most populated with harmful bacteria and dangerous for human health.

25 November 2016, 09:00

Advertising food is dangerous for children

Recently, the world's first analysis of the advertising of foods high in fat, sugar and salt, focused primarily on children.

24 November 2016, 09:00

Women began to drink on a par with men

In Australia and the US, scientists decided to find out who drinks more - men or women. To do this, they analyzed the amount of alcohol consumed in different countries over the past decades.

14 November 2016, 09:00


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