Scientists have discovered a tribe in which people live, practically having no problems with the heart. They are representatives of the Bolivian village of Zimane.
The WADA organization, better known as the World Anti-Doping Agency, will soon consider the possibility of including a substance such as caffeine in the category of prohibited medicines.
In the UK, scientists conducted an experiment that allowed them to draw an important conclusion: in 15-20 years, sex will simply disappear from people's lives.
Japan has been famous for many years for the longest life of the population. It is interesting that a century ago the Japanese life expectancy was below average. What happened, and why now the inhabitants of Japan are breaking records in the number of long-livers?
Scientists from the American University of Massachusetts found that smoking parents, and especially the father, is badly reflected not only on their own health, but also on future children.
Swedish and Danish scientists made a remarkable conclusion: people who periodically donate blood can live longer than other people. Moreover, scientists have determined the reason for this.
Based on the results of large-scale experiments that were conducted in China, it was found that patients with diabetes, due to the characteristics of the disease, lose about 9 years of their life.