
Social life

Bad lighting complicates the learning process

With insufficient illumination, nerve cells are weakly in contact with each other, which leads to a deterioration in the memory processes. To optimize memory, the brain needs bright light. 

23 June 2018, 09:00

A new scientific method of losing weight

Leading specialist in the immunological and gastroenterological area Eran Elinav, representing the Israel Research University Weizmann, proposes to regularly measure the glucose content in the blood for weight loss. The analysis will help determine the degree of reaction of the body to the use of certain products.

18 May 2018, 09:00

Postoperative pain can be eliminated without medication

Qualitative rest is able to restore the strength of a person, provide physical and mental comfort. After all, everyone knows that a healthy and full-fledged sleep reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and the nervous system.

16 May 2018, 09:00

A plaster with estrogen returns to women a sexual attraction

Statistics states: women with the approach of menopause suffer not only from many unpleasant symptoms, but also from the growing indifference to sex.

14 May 2018, 09:00

Not all pets are safe

If your child asks you to buy him a guinea pig, think about it - scientists say that this animal can be dangerous.
Doctors from Holland reported: it is the guinea pigs that can spread pathogens that cause the lethal form of pneumonia.

12 May 2018, 09:00

Herbal tinctures can be dangerous

Medicinal plants are actively used to treat many diseases. Tinctures are prepared at home on their own, or purchased in pharmacies - pharmacology has long included such drugs in the list of effective and affordable medicines.

10 May 2018, 09:00

The relationship between sausage use and cancer development is found

The experiment of scientists clearly indicated that sausages can be dangerous: even two sausages in a weekly diet can increase the risk of developing breast cancer in women.

08 May 2018, 09:00

Male and female influenza - are they different?

According to men, cold and viral diseases are much more difficult for them than for women.

06 May 2018, 09:00

Doctors say that a "broken heart" should be considered a diagnosis

Unfortunately, many people sometimes face loss of loved ones or disappointment in love - usually such a condition in the people is called "broken heart".

04 May 2018, 09:00

People are immune to CRISPR

Perhaps most readers know about the existence of the CRISPR genome editor, around which scientific discussions have been held for a long time and various discoveries are being made. 

02 May 2018, 09:00


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