
Herbal tinctures can be dangerous

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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10 May 2018, 09:00

Medicinal plants are actively used to treat many diseases. Tinctures are prepared at home on their own, or purchased in pharmacies - pharmacology has long included such drugs in the list of effective and affordable medicines. An obvious advantage for most patients is that the tinctures do not contain any chemical additives, as the main ingredients are medicinal herbs and alcohol. Therefore, in the "naturalness" of liqueurs do not have to doubt.

However, there is a whole list of warnings regarding alcohol preparations. So, medical experts do not advise drinking herbal medicinal herbs:

  • patients who are addicted to alcohol dependence ;
  • in children under 16 years of age (allowed only in a dosage strictly selected by the doctor, with a restriction of the duration of admission);
  • women during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • patients who are often behind the wheel, or work with precise or potentially dangerous mechanisms, which requires sufficient concentration of attention;
  • patients who, due to their professional activities, should be as concentrated and concentrated as possible;
  • patients with a tendency to allergies;
  • patients who are prone to mental disorders.

Certain pathologies of the digestive tract can also become a contraindication to the use of tinctures on medicinal herbs. And the culprit in this situation is alcohol, which can cause irritation of the mucous tissues of the stomach and intestines. In some patients, alcohol preparations even in small amounts provoke severe signs of intoxication.

In order to protect yourself from the negative effects of taking medicinal tinctures, you must first consult the doctor you trust. It is better to ask in advance which alcohol preparation is right for you, and which is not. The doctor will analyze the general state of your health and evaluate all the potential risks that are associated with the use of alcoholic tinctures. It's no secret that it is better to warn any negative consequences in advance than to try to get rid of the existing problem in the future.

It should be remembered that certain types of medicinal herbs that are part of the tinctures are capable of causing addictive effects when systematically applied. This effect is also considered quite a serious problem. For example, addictive substances can cause hypnotic, sedative herbs, which, with prolonged use, sometimes start to have the opposite effect: the patient develops an anxious condition, palpitations increase. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: even seemingly harmless medicinal tinctures are better to take after the appointment of a doctor, and not practice self-medication. The doctor will be able to determine exactly the dosage and treatment regimen, which is optimal in a particular case.

The information is provided by the portal Hronica.info.


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