
Social life

Love the sweet? You just need to sleep!

Scientists are sure: to reduce the craving for sweets, you need to increase the duration of a night's sleep.

30 April 2018, 09:00

Genetic disease prevents the development of cancer

Scientists have noticed: patients suffering from Hattington's disease, practically do not get sick with oncology.

28 April 2018, 09:00

Soon doctors will have to adjust the treatment of cancer tumors

Scholars from Switzerland developed an ultramodern technique, implying the use of artificial receptors as enhancers of the immune response to the development of a cancerous tumor.

26 April 2018, 09:00

Intrahospital bacteria are afraid of viruses

A pair of bacteriophage viruses proved effective in combating one of the most dangerous microbes, resistant to antibiotics.
It is not necessary to have a medical education to understand how dangerous an infection that is resistant to antibiotics can become. 

24 April 2018, 09:00

Does father's age affect a child's health?

World experts in the field of biology and medicine have for many years been trying to determine the relationship between the age of parents and the health of their children. 

22 April 2018, 09:00

Wine promotes brain cleansing

Scientists from the University of Copenhagen argue that the moderate use of small doses of wine triggers the processes of "cleaning" the brain system.
Similar processes were discovered several years ago: the studies were conducted by the same scientists under the direction of Mike Nedergard. 

20 April 2018, 09:00

Probably, mobile phones still provoke the development of cancer

According to a recent study, laboratory exposure to radio waves led to the development of schwannoma in experimental rodents.
Alarming information, which confirms the negative impact of mobile phones, was made public in the text of the report after two studies in support of the National Toxicology Program (United States).

18 April 2018, 09:00

As part of the male contraceptive drugs will be present poison

Scientists are already completing work on the creation of the first male contraceptives. But, what is noteworthy - one of the components of such tablets will be an exotic vegetable poisonous substance, which in antiquity was used for the processing of spears and arrows.

16 April 2018, 09:00

Allergies will soon be cured within 15 minutes

Allergy can be called a scourge of our time. This disease affects millions of people around the world.

14 April 2018, 09:00

The Japanese figured out how to cure the flu for a day

Japanese pharmacists have developed a drug that successfully copes with a viral infection in just 24 hours - it's much faster than any similar antiviral drugs.

12 April 2018, 09:00


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