
Protein diet: all are named "for" and "against"

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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31 October 2012, 17:00

Is it good or bad to eat foods high in protein? Can I lose weight with meat and cheese? Before you choose for yourself this way of combating obesity, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

How much protein does it take?

Most people get between 12 and 18% of their daily calorie intake with protein food. Adhering to the protein diet, this indicator, respectively, increase. Such food will cover half the daily necessary standard for a person. In this case, strictly limits the consumption of such products as potatoes, pasta, flour, sweet, cereals and butter. Does it work? Experts say that yes.

What is the principle of the protein diet?

When carbohydrate intake is limited, a person quickly loses water and therefore weight quickly goes away. Then, without excess carbohydrates, the body begins to burn its own fat, using it as fuel, in order to replenish the costs of energy and strength - this condition is called ketosis. A person feels less hungry, however, headaches, nausea, irritability, palpitations and kidney diseases can occur .

Is this diet safe?

Experts from the American Heart Association do not recommend eating only foods high in protein. Too much fatty meat and dairy products can lead to increased cholesterol and an increased risk of heart attack.

Beginning of the diet

Be choosy and careful. Many high protein nutritious foods also include carbohydrates. Try to avoid very fatty foods, like a huge portion of fatty meat.

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Beef contains the most complete proteins, which contain almost all the essential and irreplaceable amino acids that our body needs every day. Chicken meat is an excellent protein product, which is well absorbed and at the same time has a low calorie content. Pork contains most of the calories and is digested worse than other types of meat.

A fish

Favorite among other foods rich in protein. This is understandable - it contains a lot of protein and a little fat. Even greasy fish, such as salmon, tuna or pangassius, is not considered a bad choice, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that are useful for the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis and heart disease.

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Eggs - the most economical source of protein

In eggs, a lot of cholesterol, but as studies have shown, after using them, the level of cholesterol in the blood does not increase. Nutritionists recommend not to be carried away by eggs to people who have high cholesterol - it is better not to eat more than one egg a day.

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Soy products

One of the most protein-containing plant products. For example, tofu cheese is low-calorie and contains proteins identical to those of animal origin, perfectly balanced for all essential amino acids.

More protein, more risks?

The protein diet can cause increased blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. And also, according to doctors, prolonged use of such food can provoke kidney disease and osteoporosis (brittle bones).

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