
Exemption from physical education or healthier heart?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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31 August 2016, 09:00

In recent years, the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases has increased in the world. Almost everyone knows the factors that provoke heart and vascular diseases - obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity, nervous overexertion, however, not many try to make any attempts to change their lives and prevent the development of the disease.

Many factors affect human health - heredity, ecology, socioeconomic status, level of medicine, etc., but the person himself can support his own health by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Technical progress (mechanization of labor, development of transport, malnutrition, etc.) had a great impact on the health of the new generation and medicine, unfortunately, despite all the outstanding achievements it is not capable of helping a person who does not want it.

Previously, there was active propaganda at the state level of a healthy lifestyle, but today not many understand that material well-being largely depends on the state of health, especially this affects the health of children. According to experts, the care of one's health should be vaccinated from childhood, since a growing organism without adequate physical activity develops incompletely, including problems with blood vessels and the heart.

The modern rhythm of life has led to the fact that many students and students underestimate the functional indicators of cardiovascular activity (in comparison with the data of children 10-20 years ago).

Now a lot of parents are asking to release children from physical education, and, as is known, the movement lacks modern children.

In physical education, there are several groups of health - for healthy children, with some disabilities and for sick children, but in practice all children either take the standards, or bring a certificate of release.

Many children can not fulfill the prescribed standards from the reduced functionality of the cardiovascular system, such children must undergo preliminary preparation for the surrender of standards. It is now easier to free the child from his classes than to deal with it, however, doing so, neither parents nor teachers, do not think about the consequences for the health of the child.

Before you record a child in the sports section, you must carefully examine it and, if there are any diseases, undergo a course of treatment. In some cases, young athletes have a syndrome of myocardial overstrain, which manifests itself in weakness, increased pressure, irregular heartbeat, etc. This condition is associated with a sharp increase in the load during training or not matching sports loads to the functionality of children, but can contribute to the pathology of chronic infections (tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.)

Experts emphasize that adults and children should pay much attention to physical activity, parents by their own example can teach children to a healthy lifestyle and sports.

The doctors noted that physical education is useful for people of any age, there are no absolute contraindications to exercise, only for certain diseases shows special gymnastics.

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