Scientists from the University of Toronto (Canada) found a link between the use of oral contraceptives by women (birth control pills) and the increase in the incidence of prostate cancer among men.
The higher birth weight in children born in large cities is due to the impact of a particular type of environmental pollutants that act as hormones ...
Carbon monoxide in small quantities appears to have a narcotic effect on people, which leads to a reduction in stress caused by noise and the impact of the crowd
Economically developed countries are on the verge of a trade war due to the attempt of the European Union to introduce a tax on the carbon emissions of all aircraft that will land and take off on the territory of the European Union.
According to the scientists' forecasts, in 2007-2025, water consumption will increase by 50% in developing countries and by 18% in rich countries, as residents of rural areas of developing countries are increasingly moving to cities.