

Handles of cranes of gas stations are recognized as the dirtiest object

Scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that the most contaminated surface of bacteria with which people have contact in everyday life are the crane handles of gas stations.
25 October 2011, 17:49

The rise in sea level will last 500 years

At the most pessimistic (emissions continue to grow) sea level will rise by 1.1 m by 2100 and will grow by 5.5 m to 2500 m.
19 October 2011, 20:14

Climatologists: Arctic ice may completely disappear in 10 years

The melting of ice in the Arctic is proceeding more rapidly than previously thought. This is evidenced by new data obtained by the Norwegian Polar Institute.
18 October 2011, 21:54

Bacterial bonds are able to have a significant impact on the planet's climate

In the ocean, bacteria adhere to the smallest carbon-rich particles descending to the depth - basically they are either tiny marine plants that have emanated the spirit, or the excrement of zooplankton, which has regretted the microflora.
13 October 2011, 19:20

Ukraine does not have medical waste disposal standards (video)

To date, the main places of disposal of medical waste are urban landfills, roadside ravines and cemeteries.
10 October 2011, 18:20

The relationship between climate change and the economic crisis has been proven

The cold climate in Europe at the end of the 16th century led to an economic crisis, a plague and hunger epidemic, and as a result of chronic malnutrition, the growth of people for 100 years decreased by 2 centimeters
06 October 2011, 19:33

Biking in the city is more harmful than walking

Scientists from the University of London have denied the usefulness of cycling around the city for health.
29 September 2011, 18:43

Australian koalas in the near future may disappear

Australian koalas are more than ever threatened with extinction, so they need to be classified as a vulnerable species, insists scientists who conducted the study commissioned by the Australian government.
26 September 2011, 20:28

Canada announced a huge geothermal potential

The Geological Survey of Canada presented a report in which a huge geothermal potential for the production of electric power in the territory of the state was declared ...
22 September 2011, 10:36

Climatologists: Global warming will slow in next ten years

Mathematical models of climatologists show that in the next ten years global warming will slow down and the temperature will stabilize. This behavior of climate scientists associated with the presence of the absorptive capacity of the ocean ...
20 September 2011, 11:01


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