
Cold keratin: an innovative hair care treatment

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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When looking for the perfect way to restore and strengthen hair, many people turn their attention to a procedure known as cold keratin. This method is a gentler hair care option compared to traditional hot keratin straightening.

What is cold keratin?

Cold Keratin is a salon treatment that aims to repair damaged hair using keratin proteins without the use of high temperatures. Unlike hot keratin, where the hair is heat treated to seal the keratin into the hair cuticle, cold keratin works by penetrating the hair structure without heat.

Benefits of cold keratin

Gentle recovery

The treatment is suitable for all hair types, especially fine and weakened hair, as the absence of heat prevents additional damage.

Deep moisturizing

Keratin composition deeply moisturizes hair, returning elasticity and healthy shine.

Eliminating fuzz

Cold keratin helps to smooth hair, making it more manageable and less susceptible to humidity.

Prolonged effect

While the procedure may be less long-lasting than hot keratin, it can maintain the effects for up to several months, depending on individual hair characteristics and post-procedure care.

How does the procedure work?

  1. Consultation with the master: Before starting the procedure, it is important to discuss the condition of your hair and the expected results.
  2. Hair Wash: Your hair is thoroughly washed with a special deep cleansing shampoo.
  3. Application: The keratin composition is applied to damp hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length.
  4. Exposure time: The composition is left on the hair for a certain time, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. Rinse off: After exposure, rinse off excess product without shampooing.
  6. Final styling: Hair is gently dried and styled without the use of hot stylers.

Care after the procedure

After the treatment, it is important to use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners to prolong the effect of the treatment and to avoid washing out the keratin. It is recommended to avoid salt sprays and styling products containing alcohol.

Is cold keratin suitable for everyone?

Although cold keratin is a gentler method of hair restoration, it may not be suitable for individuals with very damaged or chemically treated hair. In such cases, prior consultation with a trichologist or qualified hairdresser is necessary.

Choosing between cold and hot keratin

When choosing between cold and hot keratin treatments, it is important to consider the condition of your hair and the desired results. Hot keratin provides a longer lasting and more pronounced straightening effect, but can be more aggressive to the hair. Cold keratin offers a gentler solution that is suitable for people looking for hair care without additional damage.

Tips for maintaining results from cold keratin treatment

In order for the result from cold keratin to last as long as possible, it is recommended to follow a few rules:

  • Use mild, sulfate-free shampoos.
  • Avoid frequent washing of the hair so as not to accelerate the washing out of keratin.
  • Protect hair from sunlight and salt water exposure.
  • If necessary, use styling irons and flat irons, choose low temperature settings.

Natural alternatives to keratin

For those who prefer more natural methods of hair care, there are alternative remedies such as oils (argan, coconut), protein masks and supplements that can also improve hair health.

Possible risks

Like any cosmetic procedure, cold keratin can have side effects, including allergic reactions to the components of the preparation. Therefore, it is important to perform a sensitivity test to the components of the solution before the procedure.

Cold Keratin provides a modern solution for those who want to improve the condition of their hair without the use of high temperatures. This treatment method is suitable for a wide range of hair types and offers a healthy alternative to traditional restoration methods. Choosing the right keratin therapy option should be based on individual needs and expectations, as well as professional advice.

Maintaining the effect of cold keratin at home

In addition to salon care, maintaining the results of cold keratin treatment is also possible at home. The use of specialized keratin masks and conditioners will help to prolong the effect and keep the hair in excellent condition. Regular use of such products provides a constant supply of necessary proteins and vitamins to the hair.

The role of nutrition in supporting hair health

Hair health is not just limited to external care. A proper diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals plays a key role in maintaining hair structure and can enhance the effects of keratin therapy. Foods such as salmon, eggs, nuts and avocados should be your allies in the quest for beautiful and healthy hair.

Alternative hair care treatments

For those looking for alternatives to cold keratin, there are various treatments available such as hair lamination, nanoplasty or Brazilian straightening. Each of these treatments has its own characteristics and can suit different hair types. However, it is important to remember that any chemical treatment requires proper care afterwards.

Search for qualified specialists

Choosing the right specialist to perform the cold keratin treatment procedure significantly affects the final result. It is important to go to an experienced hairdresser or trichologist who uses quality products and individualized approach to each client.

Cold Keratin is a modern technology that allows you to achieve smooth and shiny hair without additional heat exposure. For the longest possible preservation of the result, it is necessary to combine professional procedures with proper home care and a healthy lifestyle. Always keep in mind the possibility of individual intolerance to the components and the need to consult with specialists to achieve the best results.

Cold Keratin offers a gentle and effective way to restore hair, leaving it healthy, shiny and smooth. With proper care after the treatment, the effect can please you for a long time, while minimizing the damage of heat treatment.

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