
Flu and cold - Top 100

The medicine helps to reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate the sensation of perspiration in the throat.
In the off-season, colds are everyday companions of all people. Get rid of unpleasant symptoms will help spray from cough, drops from the nose and other special drugs.
The treatment of small children with drugs is sometimes quite difficult. Some children, by virtue of their age, do not yet know how to swallow tablets, and the older baby may simply not want to take the medicine.
Among the various drugs that are used to treat pain in the throat with angina, sprays, solutions, aerosols and many others are allocated. But patients and doctors pay more attention to special therapeutic tablets for resorption.
Angina can be treated not only with the help of antibiotics, but also using topical preparations: such as sprays.
Tablets from tonsillitis can be found in any pharmacy, but, unfortunately, not all patients with the appearance of the first signs of this disease go to a doctor who can prescribe the most suitable medicine.
Rhinitis is a very common ailment, which often affects both children and adults. Discharge from the nose can accompany some cold and viral diseases, allergies, and also can occur as a reaction to external stimuli - smoke, dust, etc.
All the candies presented in the throat have antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
Indications for the use of analgesic antimicrobial pastilles include: ARD and SARS with sore throat and hoarseness of voice, acute and chronic tonsillitis (angina), laryngitis, pharyngitis
Indications for use of drops of cough: ARD and SARS, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis of various etiologies, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, whooping cough.


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