
Flu and cold - Top 100

Any increase in body temperature, including fever with no signs of a cold, is a response response of the human body to an infection that can lead to a particular disease.

Colds without fever are viral diseases. At the same time, from all organs of the upper respiratory tract, the nose and throat are primarily affected.
Cold from the air conditioner is often enough, especially in the summer, when you want at least somehow to escape from the heat on the street.

ARVI in pregnancy is the most common diagnosis. To be frightened of this disease it is not necessary, therefore as anything terrible it in itself does not carry. But it is also not necessary to neglect ARVI. Because complications can be very diverse.

What can we expect in this season of influenza, how dangerous is the disease, what are its predictions? We offer you useful information about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of influenza 2015.

The condition, defined as weakness in the body, is medically related to both loss of muscle strength, and a sense of lack of energy, a decrease in vitality and general fatigue.

Autumn-winter period is the time of seasonal diseases, the most common of which is the flu. What awaits us this year, how to prevent the epidemic and cure it?

When a barking cough occurs in a child with a fever, which is especially common with children of the first years of life, doctors strongly recommend that parents immediately seek medical help - in order to avoid serious consequences.

First of all, you might think that the child is sick, and only then think about other reasons. Therefore, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, and be sure to consult a doctor.

Slime, which performs a protective function in relation to many cavities of our body, is simultaneously a protective, antiseptic substance and a substance that maintains a normal level of humidity. 


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