
Sports nutrition - Top 100

Protein (protein) - an important component of muscle tissue, an organic substance from the group of polypeptides, which includes chain amino acids, is one of the main dietary components.
In an effort to reduce the intake of edible fats, some people resort to consuming foods with modified fat ...
Easily assimilated carbohydrates are organic substances that act as a source of energy for the body. Consider the features and role of carbohydrates in nutrition, the main products rich in these substances, as well as a diet with a limited amount.
If they are taken without medical supervision, they can cause a wide range of somatic side effects.
Eating certain foods requires considerable expenditure of calories.
Active lifestyle requires a special diet from a person. Only in this case it is possible to achieve results for the sake of which, in fact, people come to the gym. There are enough ways to combine physical activities and proper nutrition.
We are used to thinking that a diet is something like a hunger strike. It is used for the purpose of losing weight, and some types for therapeutic purposes. In any case, the diet provides for limiting calories consumed by the body.
In principle, as usual, theoretically everything seems simple and understandable, but as soon as it comes to making up the menu, problems begin. Fantasies, as a rule, last for 1-2 days, and then stupor.
It is not necessary to think that strong muscles are a piece of our post-Soviet time. Athletes, weightlifters in the USSR were concerned about the collection of muscle mass no less than modern bodybuilders.
The easiest way is for mesomorphs, because the bulk of calculations for diets corresponds exactly to this type of physique, which is considered normal.


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