
Body - Top 100

The variety of clinical variants of keloid scars leads to the need to develop various ways of approaching the problem and creating various treatment regimens.
Modern science is characterized by the rapid development of a number of related disciplines, united under the common name of "biotechnology." This section of science, based on the latest achievements in the field of biology, cytology, molecular genetics, genetic engineering, transplantology, aims to use the enormous potential
The desire to use cellular potential and the need to search for new effective methods for improving the aesthetic appearance of scars led to the idea of trying to study the possibility of keratinocyte transplantation to scarring surfaces.
In the late eighties, a liquid form of bovine collagen was developed at Stanford University, which at the body temperature was transformed into a soft elastic substrate.
Hair removal with sugar has been known since Nefertiti, and then Cleopatra. Actually, it was with the Egyptian queen that the evolution of shugaring began, and many other magnificent cosmetic procedures.
Stretching on the body is an annoying problem that occurs for various reasons, both for women and for men. They are formed on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, in the shoulder zone of the hands - as a result of pregnancy, sudden weight changes, hormonal disorders, lack of collagen in the skin.
At all times, women have paid much attention to their appearance. And although in different time periods there were standards of female beauty, the question of compliance with these standards was always relevant.
Scars and scars are not those ornaments that make a woman pretty and attractive. Yes, however, and to men not all scars to the face. But whatever the reason that left unaesthetic marks on the human body, it can always be done so that they become less noticeable or even completely disappear.
The surface of the skin is irritated in response to the intrusion of foreign toxic elements. Inflamed skin can not realize its protective function, they are an open gate for infection.
It is the ointments that are the dosage form, through which you can quickly and effectively get rid of skin defects, including scars.


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