

How to look and how to treat flea bites on a person's skin?

It is known that insects can cause allergies, skin itch, dermatitis. But the biggest danger is that fleas act as carriers of many dangerous infectious diseases.

Eggs of pinworms in feces in children: symptoms, treatment, how to get rid

A common parasitic disease among adults and children is enterobiosis. Consider the causes of the disease, its pathogen, the route of infection and the methods of treatment.

Hepatic fluke: structure, pathways of infection, stages of development, prevention

A dangerous parasite that affects the liver and causes fascioliasis is the hepatic trematode. Consider its life cycle, ways of infection and methods of destruction.

Capillary disease or dangerous consequences of foreign missions

Some parasitic diseases are more widespread, others, such as capillarial disease, are very rare. Nevertheless, both of them have the right to a thorough study, because no one is insured against infection.

Bites of home bugs on the skin: symptoms and treatment at home

Bedbugs mostly live in places where people live - in apartments of high-rise buildings, private houses, in cottages, and in some cases in hotels or rest places.

Bovine tapeworm: infection, cycle of development, structure

The chain lives inside the intestine and can pose a serious danger to the human body.

Pig manganese: characteristic, symptoms, treatment and prevention

According to the classification of zoonotic parasites, porcine tapeworm or porcine tapeworm (Taenia solium) is the cestode (cestoda) of the cyclophyllide (cyclophyllidea) order of the Taeniidae family.


Fasciola (fasciola vulgaris) is a flat worm from the class of trematodes. It affects livestock and causes loss of live weight, reduction in milk yield and death of animals. In humans, fascioliasis (a disease caused by a hepatic ligation) occurs rarely.

Giant fluke

This parasite is widespread in Africa and Asia, but there are also possible cases of infection in Ukraine.


Trichinella spiralis (Trichinella spiralis) - a worm of the class of nematodes (Enoplea), the family Trichinelloidea, living in the body of vertebrates carnivores - is pathogenic to humans.


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