
Medical manipulations


The procedure is a puncture of the chest wall with further drainage of fluid. Thoracocentesis can be both therapeutic and diagnostic.

Pericardial drainage

The pericardial drainage procedure refers to a surgical technique, the essence of which is to remove fluid contents from the pericardial cavity.


A thoracoscopy is a procedure your doctor uses to look at the space inside your chest (outside your lungs).

What is the right way to clean your ears?

Ear cleaning may be necessary to remove wax plugs or other unwanted deposits in the ear canal.

Removing a sulfur plug with hydrogen peroxide

Removing a sulfur plug with hydrogen peroxide can be accomplished by following careful and proper methods.


A nephrostomy is a medical procedure in which a hole is created in the kidney and a special catheter (nephrostomy catheter) is placed through the hole to allow urine to drain from the kidney to an external reservoir or collection device.

Tracheal extubation

Anesthesiologists often use concepts such as intubation and extubation. The first term - intubation - actually means the introduction of a special tube inside the trachea, which is necessary to ensure the patient's airway patency.

Washing ears from sulfur plugs

The need for a procedure such as washing the ears arises when the excess of a protective wax substance - cerument (earwax) - is not excreted naturally, but accumulates in the ear canal.

Presacral block

The medical anesthetic procedure used in proctology and surgery is presacral block. Consider the indications for its implementation, technique, complications.


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