
Diseases of the mammary glands (mammology)

Galactorrhea: causes, symptoms, treatment

Contrary to the opinion of many, galactorrhea is not a disease, but a kind of symptom, or a condition in which there is a discharge from the milky mammary glands of a fluid that is close in composition to milk or colostrum.

Hypoehogenic formation in the mammary gland: non-uniform, homogeneous, with clear contours, avascular

"Hypoechoic formation" is often used when describing a picture during an ultrasound. What does this mysterious term for a typical patient mean?

Serous mastitis

Serous mastitis is a pathology that often brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and disrupts the normal process of breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that mastitis often develops in nursing mothers due to the characteristics of the feeding process.

Prevention mastitis

Mastitis is an infectious disease with inflammation of the interstitium of the mammary gland, which is characterized by a violation of the normal function of lactation.

Redness of nipples

Inflammatory process, mechanical trauma, allergic reaction, dermatitis, a symptom of lactostasis, as well as a sign of developing oncology - this is far from a complete list of causes of reddening of the areola of the nipple.

Inflammation of the nipple

Most often this condition is manifested and diagnosed in lactating women (in combination with postpartum mastitis).

Burning in the nipples

Burning in the nipples is a rather unpleasant sensation that any woman can face.

Cracks in the nipples

Many women face this problem. This especially affects the mother in the first weeks after delivery.

Cracks in the nipples when feeding

The appearance of the nipples in the occurrence of cracks is always characteristic. The first signs are manifested in the form of small "cuts" on the skin of the nipple, from its central part to the outer edges of the areola.

Discharge from the nipple

Are such discharges always a sign of pathology, and when is it necessary to sound an alarm?


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