
List Anatomy – A

Axillary artery (a.axillaris) is a continuation of the subclavian artery (from level I of the rib). It is located in the depth of the axillary fossa and is surrounded by trunks of the brachial plexus.
The spinal muscle (m. Spinalis) is the most medial of the three parts of the muscle that straightens the spine. The muscle is directly attached to the spinous processes of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae.
The auricula is based on a complex form of elastic cartilage (cartilago auriculae), covered with a densely attached skin to the cartilage. There is no cartilage in the lower part of the auricle.
The auditory (eustachian) tube (tuba auditiva, s. Auditoria) has an average length of 35 mm, a width of 2 mm. Through it, air from the pharynx enters the drum cavity to maintain pressure in the cavity, the same as the external one, which is important for the normal operation of the sound-conducting apparatus (tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles).
Ascending colon (colon ascendens) has a length of 18-20 cm. The position of the ascending colon is variable. Its posterior side occupies the extreme right lateral position on the back wall of the abdominal cavity.
The axillary artery is directed to the upper limb, its extension is the brachial artery and branches that branch from them.
The femoral artery (a. Femoralis) is the extension of the external iliac artery, passes under the inguinal ligament (through the vascular lacuna) lateral to the vein of the same name, follows the iliac comb downward, being covered (in the femoral triangle) with fascia and skin only.
The brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery, which carry blood to the head and neck, upper limbs, to the front wall of the chest and abdomen, consistently leave the arch of the aorta.
Arteries, blood supplying the walls of the body, are called parietal (parietal), arteries of internal organs - visceral (internal). Among the arteries, also the extraorganic, carrying blood to the organ, and intraorganic branches within the organ and supplying it with separate parts (lobes, segments, lobules) are also isolated.
Appendix (appendix vermiformis) departs from the posterior medial surface of the caecum, its length varies widely - from 2 to 24 cm (average 9 cm); its diameter is 0.5-1.0 cm. The appendix can have a diverse direction.  
Anatomy of the aortic valve is considered the most studied, since it is described long ago, beginning with Leonardo da Vinci (1513) and Valsalva (1740), and repeatedly, especially during the second half of the XX century.
The aorta (aorta) is the largest unpaired arterial vessel of the great circle of blood circulation. The aorta is divided into three sections: the ascending part of the aorta, the arch of the aorta and the descending part of the aorta, which in turn is divided into the thoracic and abdominal parts).
The anterior tibial artery (a. Tibialis anterior) extends from the popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa (at the lower edge of the popliteal muscle), enters the holocrooed canal and immediately leaves it through the anterior opening in the upper part of the interosseous membrane of the tibia.
The anterior serrate muscle (m. Serratus anterior) is broad, quadrangular in shape, is attached to the thorax from the side, forms the medial wall of the axillary cavity. It begins with large teeth on the upper eight or nine ribs and is attached to the medial margin and the lower corner of the scapula.
The ankle joint (art talocruralis) is complex in structure, block-shaped in shape, formed by the articular surface of the tibia and the articular surfaces of the talus block, as well as the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral ankles.
The amniotic fluid can be considered as a large part of the extracellular fluid of the fetus, since its osmotic indices, electrolyte and biochemical composition are identical to the fetal plasma.
In the diagnosis of various disease states in the immunocompetent system of both the fetus and the newborn child and children of later life periods, methods of determining the degree of maturity and differentiation of individual populations or subpopulations of lymphocytes are of great importance.
Adrenal glandula (glandula suprarenalis) - the paired organ is located in the retroperitoneum directly above the upper end of the corresponding kidney. The adrenal gland has the form of a flattened front-to-back irregularly shaped cone.
Near each ovary rudimentary formation is located - the appendage of the ovary, the parasite (appendage of the appendage), vesicular attachments, the remains of the tubules of the primary kidney and its duct.
The additional nerve (n. Accessories), or the villis nerve, is formed by the processes of the motor nuclei located in the oblong brain and in the spinal cord.


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