
Science and Technology

Green tea flavonoids may prevent HCV infection

German scientists have established that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a flavonoid found in green tea, prevents the penetration of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) into liver cells.
06 December 2011, 20:21

Scientists have removed the world's first movie for the development of type 1 diabetes in real time

Scientists from the Institute of Allergy and Immunology La Hoya created the first film that shows the destruction of beta cells in type 1 diabetes in real time.
06 December 2011, 20:10

Scientists have found a molecule that prevents the development of allergies

Scientists have discovered a molecule of the releasing factor of histamine (FGP), which can become a potential target for developing new methods of treating allergies
06 December 2011, 19:59

Scientists have found anti-inflammatory properties in apples

Scientists have found another reason to include apples in the daily diet - polyphenols-antioxidants contained in the skin of apples that suppress excessive activity of T cells, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine ...
01 December 2011, 15:57

Have biologists found effective protection against HIV infection?

For the last year scientists around the world have studied a group of powerful antibodies that have the ability to neutralize HIV ...
01 December 2011, 11:25

Scientists have developed a prototype of a super-powerful vaccine

Scientists from Brigham (BWH) have created a prototype vaccine glycoconjugate, which is 100 times more effective than all vaccines available today ...
30 November 2011, 21:17

Scientists have found a new way to defeat the drug resistance of superbugs

How to defeat an opponent who has acquired new effective protection mechanisms? Either develop a more powerful weapon, or find a way to undermine his new clever defender ...
30 November 2011, 11:58

Scientists have found the memory of the immune system

The immune system has a type of cells that remind it not to attack cells, tissues and organs of its own organism, the UCSF researchers found ...
29 November 2011, 15:03

Wi-Fi increases the risk of infertility among men

Argentine scientists say that Wi-Fi affects the fertility of men, increasing the risk of infertility ...
29 November 2011, 10:16

The use of well-roasted meat increases the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer

The use of any minced meat or processed meat in large quantities is associated with the development of aggressive prostate cancer ...
28 November 2011, 21:05


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