

Scientists presented the most accurate model of the world today

As reported on the official website of the European Space Agency ESA, to build the map, scientists used the data obtained by the device GOCE - a satellite to study the gravitational field and permanent ocean currents.
01 April 2011, 17:04

Dirty air harms the heart more cocaine and alcohol

Scientists found that cocaine use increased the risk of a heart attack by 24 times, while exposure to polluted air increased the risk by as little as 5%, but the number of people using cocaine was significantly less than those exposed to polluted air.
26 February 2011, 20:38

Google and Microsoft will help Obama to fight illegal online pharmacies

Google and Microsoft agreed to help the US President Barack Obama's administration to create a non-profit organization to combat illegal online pharmacies, Bloomberg reports with reference to the Administration and Budget Office under the US President.

09 January 2011, 20:06


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