

Climatologists: By 2100, the Arctic will be ice-free in summer

The Arctic is a mosaic of the seas, glaciers and northern outskirts of the continents - a place most of us will never see. And most of us at the mention of the Arctic come to mind only one thing - the ice.
10 August 2011, 18:42

In Kiev, so far, 7 beaches have been closed due to a lack of water quality standards

In Kiev for this period, with 11 beaches and recreation areas located on the Dnieper River, 7 beaches do not have official permits for opening.
08 August 2011, 19:44

Forecast: By 2100, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase by more than 35%

The new computer model showed: if humanity does not want to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by more than 35% in comparison with the 2005 index by 2100, the cheapest way to do this is to reduce emissions.
08 August 2011, 19:37

The genus Homo sapiens arose as a result of rapid climate change, scientists say

Some argue that climate change will destroy people as a species. And then we will be killed by what has produced us: the swift fluctuations of the world average temperature 3-2 million years ago coincide with the golden age of human evolution.
08 August 2011, 16:54

The most effective way to combat global warming is to reduce emissions of methane and nitric oxide

American climatologists have calculated that reducing global carbon emissions will solve the problem of global warming for too long. Much faster will cool down the Earth emissions of minor gases - methane and nitrogen oxide.
07 August 2011, 11:26

UN: Humanity needs a great green revolution

Mankind needs a great green technical revolution in order to avoid catastrophic consequences ...
19 July 2011, 18:18

Elevated levels of radiation are noted in the ashes from incineration plants

An increased level of radiation is noted in the ash from incineration plants located near the capital of Japan, reports AFP. Experts suggest that this is ash from the burning of garden debris collected after the tragedy.
14 July 2011, 00:19

Environmentalists: by 2100, every tenth species is threatened with extinction

With the current climate change trends remaining, one in ten species is threatened with extinction by 2100, researchers from the University of Exeter (UK) concluded.
12 July 2011, 21:42

Five of the eight tuna species on the verge of extinction

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which introduced a new Red List of endangered species, most tuna species need urgent protection.
08 July 2011, 23:58

The cost of environmental protection in the Russian Federation increased by 8.44%

The total cost of environmental protection in Russia amounted to 372.4 billion rubles, an increase of 8.44%
01 July 2011, 21:34


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