

Change in the circulation of the world ocean can cause a significant change in climate

A new study supports those who believe that the cause of sharp warming, etc. Lies in the changes in the circulation of the ocean ...
22 June 2011, 14:45

Cuban scientists reported that by 2050 the sea level rise will be 27 cm

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that by the end of the century sea level will rise by 75-190 cm ...
20 June 2011, 18:48

Damage from oil spill off the coast of Odessa amounted to $ 300 thousand

In 300 thousand dollars, the State Ecological Inspectorate estimated the damage from the spill of oil products off the coast of Odessa. This was reported by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
03 June 2011, 00:17

By the end of the summer, Japan will compile a radiation contamination map

The Ministry of Science of Japan intends to create a special radiation contamination map that will display the level of radioactive elements in the soil
27 May 2011, 08:00

Experts: The level of radiation around the "Fukushima" is comparable to the Chernobyl

The level of soil contamination with radioactive substances in the areas around the emergency nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" is comparable to that recorded after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, Japanese media reported on Wednesday.
25 May 2011, 22:57

Vuvuzels can contribute to the transmission of infectious diseases

British researchers concluded that vuvuzels can contribute to the transmission of infectious diseases. This in combination with a high level of noise pollution makes the organizers of the 2012 Olympics in London think about banning vuvuzel at competitions.
24 May 2011, 21:19

EU to ban free plastic bags in stores

The European Commission has started a process of public discussion of the future of plastic bags, which will last until August 2011, said EU Environment Commissioner Janes Potocnik. Currently, the EC is studying the possibility of imposing a ban on free plastic bags in stores or taxing them with a special tax.
21 May 2011, 12:37

By 2050, world consumption of resources will grow threefold

World consumption of natural resources may triple by 2050 and reach 140 billion tons a year, warns the UN Program ...
16 May 2011, 07:39

In Shanghai, air is dangerous to human health

The air pollution figures in Shanghai have already reached a record 500 units. At the same time, a figure of 300 units is considered dangerous ...
11 May 2011, 19:23

The population of the planet in 2100 will amount to 10.1 billion

The population of the Earth, which currently stands at just under 7 billion people, will increase to 10.1 billion by the end of the century ...
10 May 2011, 21:52


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