
The health of your feet - Top 100

The problem of the heel spur is far from new and for many decades of acquaintance with it, folk medicine has developed many recipes to fight the disease.
Essential oil is concentrated, so in its pure form it is not applied. It needs to be dissolved in the base (vegetable) oil.
Herbs are used in the form of broths for foot baths and lotions, as well as in the form of infusion and lotion for washing and rubbing the affected area. Sometimes they are added to the complex homeopathic remedies.
Today we have to face many problems that concern the legs. Heels are especially sensitive. They are constantly exposed, because they are the main load during walking, performing various exercises.
Depending on the stage of the disease state, the patient is selected special preparations. Medicines reduce the formation of lymph, improve the nutrition of tissues and the state of lymphatic vessels.
Among the various problems that patients suffering from leg ailments may experience are cracks in the heels. This problem affects more and more people, and is a problem of our century.
If to understand, it becomes clear that this syndrome includes the symptoms of venous insufficiency, varicose veins of the lower extremities and trophic ulcers, whose treatment in the people is actively practiced as an important addition to the basic treatment.
Despite the fact that such a pathology as PTFS, characterized by irreversible destruction of the valvular apparatus of the venous vessels of the lower extremities, can not be cured by medical treatment, doctors do not lower their hands.
Sweating combined with an unpleasant odor can be a serious problem, which sometimes even leads to isolation and depression. The causes of sweating are often our bad habits, improper diet, the presence of fungal or endocrine diseases.
Even such an innocuous, at first glance, disease, like the spurs on the legs, can lead to serious violations and cause the violation of many processes in the body, including disability.


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