
Intimate Relationships - Top 100

It is possible to talk about the existence of paraphilia if sexual fantasy or sexual behavior is directed at a person who disagrees with such intentions or an inanimate object ...
Modern sexology (the science of sexual life), in particular, highlights such pressing problems: the characteristics of male and female sexuality in aspects and psychophysiology
If during sex women do not reach orgasm, they, as a rule, accuse lovers of it. However, orgasm can "go away" for other reasons.
Along with convenience and comfort, like constant trips by car, a computerized workplace, technical progress has brought - a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and inferior sleep.
Prevention and control of STDs is based on five basic concepts: first, educating people who are at risk for preventing STDs
If in the intima there is absolutely no place to grow and sex has become not a bright event, but a boring duty, diversify it with the help of these simple tips. So, what are the 10 best ways to diversify sex?
To change the quality of your sexual life you can, just ... Changing weight. When a person grows thin, say American researchers from the State of Agayo, his libido (sexual desire) increases. And then the quality of sex becomes much better. Lose weight women and men begin to behave and feel completely different, and the brightness of their sexual impressions intensifies.
The secret to increasing your sexual confidence is to love yourself and believe that you deserve pleasure.
Deflowers are afraid of girls, and many young men, because it is widely believed that it is accompanied by pain. In fact, the pain in defloration is not at all and not always - it depends on the anatomical features of the girl and the way the sexual act was performed. How to avoid pain during defloration? This can be done if you know how to properly conduct the first intimate contact.
Before you learn how to increase testosterone levels ...


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