
Intimate Relationships - Top 100

HIV infection is a disease that progresses from asymptomatic forms to AIDS as a late manifestation. The rate of progression of the disease is different.
Women with a history of STDs are at increased risk of developing cervical cancer, and women who go to STD clinics may have characteristics that can be classified as an even higher risk group.
One of the most effective methods of preventing the spread of STDs is preventive immunization.
A lot of circumstances and situations can cause sexual disorders. In this section, we consider the most common sexual problems and functional disorders, various therapeutic methods for their treatment ...
Human sexual function is the result of a complex interaction of the autonomic nervous system that regulates the vital functions of the body without conscious control ...
Psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists for a long time find out the significance of sexuality for individual well-being. In the late XIX and early XX century, a number of sexologists made a great contribution to understanding sexuality ...
A number of organic and psychological factors can cause disorders of the cycle of sexual reactions and cause problems such as the loss of sexual desire or the capacity for sexual arousal, the difficulty of orgasm, pain during intercourse and aversion to sex ...
Fantasies are a normal and important part of sexuality. They can manifest themselves in the form of fleeting images or refined, time-stretched scenes containing a variety of sexual behaviors in different localities ...
Disorders of orgasm include inhibition of orgasm in women and men, as well as premature ejaculation in men ...
About a decrease in sexual desire, you can speak with a prolonged expressed decrease or loss of sexual desire. Persons with such disorders ...


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