
Diets - Top 100

The problem of excess weight is relevant at any age, but it rises most urgently in maturity. Consider how to lose weight after 50 years, the basic rules of nutrition and exercise.
The presence of this substance in the human body is predetermined by nature. It refers to the fatty spirits needed by the human body. Cholesterol or cholesterol makes cell membranes, nerve and vascular membranes strong, if necessary, restoring defects
A slag-free diet is a therapeutic diet, aimed at cleansing the body in a short time. Consider its features, an approximate diet and indications for use.
First, a few words about Mary Chaumont. This is a famous American writer who knows about hypothyroidism firsthand. She herself was confronted with this disease, so she endlessly searched for all possible methods of his treatment.
How to find the right solution - an effective diet for weight loss and reduce weight for sure?
Dukan's diet is not on three, but on as many as four whales.
The Kremlin diet is very popular among pop stars, businessmen and politicians, as it provides delicious weight loss.
The mysterious name diet № 5 was invented and put into circulation by dietician Mikhail Pevzner
A strange question, is not it: where to get food for the Protasov diet?
The diet of Protasov is a system of healthy nutrition, which lasts not too little - more than two months.


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