
Family and Children - Top 100

The growth of the child in the first six months of his life occurs only at the expense of the mother's milk, which fully ensures its development and normal vital activity.
Termination of early pregnancy is a concept that includes interrupting pregnancy at the request of a woman before the twelfth week, and also for medical reasons until the twenty-second week.
Pain during delivery can not be predicted: often a woman can easily cope on her own, and sometimes the pain becomes strong and unbearable. Difficultly controlled pain leads to muscle tone and tightens birth ...
The problem of maternal and child health is seen as an important part of health care, which is of paramount importance for the formation of a healthy generation of people from the earliest period of their life.
Approximately 10% of newborns need, to varying degrees, resuscitation during childbirth. The reasons for this are numerous, but most of them include asphyxia or respiratory depression. The frequency increases significantly when the birth weight is less than 1500 g.
What are the methods of abortion in the first week? What indications and contraindications for the procedure? We will tell about all this below.
Douching during pregnancy is a special healing process during which the vagina is washed with medication. He may be prescribed by a gynecologist in order to get rid of internal inflammatory and infections of the female genital tract.
In our days, vertical birth (BP, vertical birth) is considered not quite common practice. Many women have not even heard of such births.
A drug abortion sometimes saves a woman from preserving an unwanted pregnancy. Scientists have been looking for a method of abortion without tools for many years. Gynecologists of Ukraine use the drug abortion since 2004.
Interruption of pregnancy in later terms is not possible simply by the desire of a pregnant woman.


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