
Family and Children - Top 100

Often a child can learn worse and feel worse when elementary ... Does not get enough sleep. Even if you put your student to bed at exactly 22.00, he still can not sleep well. The reasons for a schoolchild's bad sleep can be different - an incorrectly placed pillow, an insufficiently ventilated room, the apartment is too hot or too cold ...
Even 15 years ago, doctors recommended that mothers wean the baby from the breast in 11 months. This was in accordance with the medical standards adopted in our country. Today, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the baby should be weaned between 1 and 2 years.
Many mothers whose children eat too much or are too restless often ask: how to accustom the child to the soother? This will give the opportunity to feel more psychologically comfortable, to regulate the weight of the child and the time of his feeding, as well as to calm him down while crying.
As soon as your baby arranges his first hysteria in the supermarket, because his favorite dummy has stayed at home, you probably want to wean the baby from the dummy forever. But how to do that? How to wean a child from a dummy?
You can not take the child out of the bottle in one day. This will take time. As well as weaning the child from a nipple or pacifier, this process needs to be stretched a little, so that the child does not get stressed. If a child often used a bottle while on artificial nutrition, then immediately take away from him this familiar and beloved thing will be simply inhuman. We need gradualness.
Let's be honest: the children have a lot of bad habits, from picking their noses to the habit of gnawing their nails. There may be something primitive in each of these events, but they are absolutely not hygienic and socially not welcomed. That's why the earlier you disaccustom your children from bad habits, the better it will be for them and for everyone around.
Even if your child draws a cat instead of a horse, you can not deprive him of the joy of creativity. In order for a child to show his abilities to the fullest, it is necessary to stimulate him to creativity. In this lesson, the main thing is not the accuracy of the lines and the truthfulness of the image, but the joy of the child from what he does: draws, molds, knits or writes.
To teach a child to sleep in his crib, you need gradualism. It is impossible to immediately take and send the baby to another room. It will cry, stress hormones will destroy neurons - brain cells, and the baby will grow and develop worse.
“How to wean a child to bite his nails?” - many parents ask themselves this question... And cannot find an answer to it.
How to wean a child from night feeding? This is an important question, which sooner or later, almost all mothers ask themselves. Most children sleep well at night about 8-9 months after their birth. At this time, the baby at night can safely withstand a break of about 7-8 hours. He used to wake up to eat.


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