
Family and Children - Top 100

Around of what can and can not be done to a nursing mother, there are many prejudices. Some women follow only the advice of grandmothers, despite the obvious absurdity of some of them.
One of the basic microelements necessary for human life is iron. This microelement is present in proteins (hemoglobin, myoglobin) and various enzymes.
Baking soda is known and used in every home. Apply it for cleaning surfaces, and for the prevention of certain diseases, and what a gentle, airy baking is obtained with its use!
A child is born with an imperfect and sufficiently vulnerable immune system. Immunity strengthens over time and is a reflection of the health of the baby. How to increase immunity in a child, to protect him from possible diseases?
Before weaning the child at hand, we need to ask ourselves the question: in what cases does the baby ask for his hands? Because not in all cases the child must be weaned from the hands, sometimes the mother's or father's hands are real salvation for the baby. For example, when a child is sick.
During pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen and chest inevitably stretch. Under certain circumstances, stretch marks can be formed - peculiar scars, which are formed as a result of microtraumas of skin fibers.
Medicinal treatment is chosen by the attending physician, who is guided by the period of gestation, the characteristics of the disease and the general condition of the pregnant woman. Most drugs are contraindicated because they have a toxic effect
After setting such a diagnosis (depending on the specific situation), a pregnant woman may be prescribed conservative, surgical or preventive treatment.
From the moment of receipt of the pregnant woman or the mother in childbirth, a bed regimen and an elevated position of the woman's pelvis are prescribed in the hospital. Relatively often with the first contractions, and often before their onset, there is an outflow of water and the prolapse of the umbilical cord loops.
Overload of a schoolboy is the hottest topic on forums and in parental disputes. According to the research of the Scientific Center of Health, today only 3-4% of schoolchildren (one or two children for a whole class!) Leave after grade 11 with healthy children. All other doctors diagnose certain deviations in health. And the reason for this - many hours of school overload. How to protect the student from training overload? And what is considered an overload, and what is the usual norm, without which - anywhere?


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