When combined with two diseases of the respiratory system - inflammation of the bronchial mucosa of infectious etiology (bronchitis) and narrowing of their lumens with sensitization (bronchial asthma) - bronchitis can be diagnosed in bronchial asthma.
Can there be a temperature for allergies? And if it can, then what is the reason for the increase in temperature indicators, because allergy is not an infectious inflammation, but an immune reaction of the body.
Nowadays, food allergy is seen as the most common disease in the world. There is a thought that an allergy to tomatoes is due to the fact that they contain a red pigment, which is the reason for the development of such a reaction in humans.
The famous American medical dictionary Stedmana (Stedman's Medical Dictionary) defines diathesis (diathesis) as a hereditary predisposition of the body to the disease, a group of diseases, allergies and other disorders.
Allergic spots indicate the reaction of the body to the effect of a certain stimulus. Consider the causes of skin rashes, types of allergic spots, methods for their diagnosis, as well as treatment and prognosis.
Before proceeding to the consideration of this question, it is worthwhile to figure out what the "substance" is. Thus, hyaluronic acid belongs to the number of polysaccharides, it is part of the connective, nervous, and epithelial tissues.