

Malassezia furfur - a causative agent of seborrhea

Malassezia furfur is a kind of fungus that causes dandruff. Fungus can cause seborrhea and atopic dermatitis.

The causative agent of favus (Trichophyton schoenleinii)

Favus (synonym: scab) - a rare chronic disease, mainly of children, caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii.

The causative agents of trichophytosis (Trichophyton)

Trichophytosis (a synonym: ringworm) is caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. There are anthroponous and zooangroposophic trichophytosis.

Pathogens microsporium (Microsporum)

Microsporia (synonym: ringworm) is a highly contagious disease, mainly children, caused by the fungi of the Microsporum roll. Distinguish between the microsporia of the scalp and the smooth skin microsporia.

Pathogen of feigiophomycosis

Feogifomycosis - mycosis (pheomycotic cyst), caused by a number of demagogic (brown-pigmented) fungi, forming hyphae (mycelium) in tissues.

The causative agent of sporotrichosis (Sporothrix schenckii)

Sporothrix schenckii causes sporotrichosis (Schenck's disease) - a chronic disease with local damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and lymph nodes; possible defeat of internal organs.

Pathogens chromoblastomycosis

Chromoblastomycosis (chromomycosis) is a chronic granulomatous inflammation with a lesion of the skin, subcutaneous tissue of the legs.

Mycetoma pathogens

Miketoma (maduromycosis, Malurian foot) - chronic purulent-inflammatory process of subcutaneous tissue and adjacent tissues. The causative agents of the mycetoma are demacic fungi ...

Coccidia - causative agents of coccidioidosis

Coccidioidosis is an endemic systemic mycosis with a predominant airway disease.

Pathogens of epidermophytosis

Pathogens epidermophytia are dermatophytes, or dermatomycetes. They cause trichophytosis, microsporia, favus and other lesions of the skin, nails and hair.


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