
Diseases of children (pediatrics)

The baby's shortness of breath

Respiratory distress is a fairly common symptom in children. Thus, dyspnea in a child due to various reasons is detected in more than 35% of cases.

Cold feet with fever in a child

However, a child's feet may be cold when they have a fever.

Nausea in a baby

With such a symptom as nausea in a child, pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists encounter constantly, and this unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region (as a rule, presaging vomiting) in most cases is combined with other symptoms.

Heart block in a baby

What is heart block in a child? As in adults, heart block in children means a disruption in the conduction of electrical impulses.

Vomiting bile in a baby

Vomiting bile in a child can be associated with a variety of conditions that require medical intervention.

Why does the baby cough at night and what to do?

Why does a child cough at night and what to do? In most cases, children cough when respiratory infections affect the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs.

Rhinosinusitis in children

Sinusitis, or the more modern medical definition of rhinosinusitis in children, is a disease of the perinasal sinuses

Night terrors in children

Nightmares usually occur in the second half of the night, when the intensity of dreams is higher. Even a very young child can have nightmares, but they are most common in the dreams of children between 3 and 12 years of age.

Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children

In pediatric practice, acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children is considered a relatively common disease.

Krabbe's disease

Krabbe disease, also known as galactosylcerebrosidase (GALC)-deficient galactosidase, is a rare genetic disorder that belongs to the group of lysosomal diseases.


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