
List Diagnostics – A

Audiometry is a procedure that allows you to assess the level of acuity of hearing.
The trauma evaluation scale assesses the key physiological parameters, a change in which, after trauma, allows patients at risk to be identified. The scale includes five main vital indicators: respiration rate, respiration pattern, systolic blood pressure, capillary filling time, Glasgow coma scale (GCS).
Assessment of the sensitivity of the cornea in order to identify gross violations of the sensitivity of the cornea.
In newborns, controlled and auxiliary artificial lung ventilation is carried out exclusively by pressure-controlled ventilators that switch over time, with a continuous flow of gas in the respiratory circuit.
The vagina is exposed through mirrors. The front lip of the cervix is captured by bullet forceps. To determine the size of the neck and body of the uterus and get an idea of the direction of the axis of the uterus, probing is performed.
A wrist joint is a complex of joints connecting the wrist with the forearm. The carpal joint includes the wrist, distal radial-fiber, carpal, intervascular, carpal-metacarpal and intercostal joints.
Arthroscopy of the hip joint is performed under endotracheal anesthesia. The position of the patient on the operating table is lying on a healthy side.
Recently, arthroscopy of the elbow joint has become widespread and introduced into clinical practice. In addition to purely diagnostic purposes (revision of intraarticular structures, biopsy of synovial membrane and articular cartilage), various surgical procedures are performed: removal of intraarticular bodies, sanation of chondromalization foci, arthrolysis, etc.
According to domestic and foreign literature, ankle joint damage accounts for 6 to 21% of musculoskeletal injuries.
Arthroscopy is currently the most dense method of diagnosing lesions of intraarticular structures. Arthroscopy is used to diagnose joint damage in cases where non-invasive methods of research are ineffective.
Arthrography is used for refined diagnosis of temporomandibular joint diseases, primarily for assessing the condition of the intraarticular meniscus.
Arthrocentesis is the procedure of needle puncture. With properly performed arthrocentesis and the presence of effusion in the joint, it is possible to obtain the latter for examination.
Anoscopy - examination of the anal canal and lower ampullar rectus with rectal mirrors - is of great importance for detecting hemorrhoids, differentiating true polyps from hypertrophied anal papillae.
Angiography is a method of studying the vascular system of the brain and spinal cord by injecting a contrast agent into the arteries that supply blood to the brain. First proposed by Monica in 1927, but widespread use in clinical practice began only in the 1940s.
Angiography - X-ray examination of blood vessels, produced with the use of contrast agents. For artificial contrasting, a solution of the organic iodine compound intended for this purpose is injected into the blood and lymphatic channels. Depending on what part of the vascular system is contrasted, distinguish arteriography, venography (phlebography) and lymphography.
Anesthesia with caesarean section may be different. An anesthesiologist should be remembered and told to the obstetrician and neonatologist if more than 8 minutes passes from the skin incision to the extraction of the fetus and more than 3 minutes from the incision of the uterus before it is removed. Regardless of the technique, there is a high risk of intrauterine hypoxia and acidosis in the fetus / newborn.
Amniography is an x-ray method of investigation, which has the advantages over the conventional radiographic method that it is possible to diagnose soft tissue pathology, some gastrointestinal tract defects and skeletal pathology.
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