
10 products that our brain loves

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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27 November 2012, 16:00

If you want your mind to be sharp, you need to not only train it with all sorts of logical tasks, but also eat right.

ILive advises to include in the diet 10 products that will help keep the mind clear, and the memory sturdy.


Regular use of blueberries will help protect the brain from age-related diseases, because its berries contain a large number of anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants. Bilberry helps restore coordination, improves memory, and also has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

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Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help build up the tissue necessary for good brain function, and also regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds

Flax seeds and linseed oil have a good effect on the brain, especially with depression, improving the mental health of a person. Thanks to ALA acids, the work of the area of the brain that is responsible for processing sensory information is improving.

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According to numerous studies, coffee consumption in moderate amounts helps to avoid diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other mental disorders, and coffee contains antioxidants. Do not forget that it is better to drink coffee in its pure form, without any possible additives or sweeteners.

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Pecans, peanuts, walnuts and other types of them contain properties that help fight insomnia, promote clarity of mind and strengthen memory. In addition, almonds contain natural "boosters" of mood neurotransmitters, and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Contains useful fats that contribute to the flow of blood, keeping the clarity of thought and sharpness of mind, and also avocados lowers blood pressure.

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Egg yolks are rich in choline, a necessary nutrient for improving memory functions.

Whole-grain products

Products from whole grains are allies of our brain. Due to their use, blood circulation improves, and they are also rich in proteins, vitamins and even omega-3 fatty acids.


Well, how can one not be happy with sweet tooth? Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which increases attention and concentration. And milk chocolate improves memory processes and reaction speed.



Broccoli will help to stay young and cheerful longer. This applies to the health of the brain. According to recent studies, broccoli improve the processes of remembering information and slow the aging of the brain.

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