
Named the 10 most useful nuts

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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21 November 2012, 16:00

Today, on the shelves of shops you can see a great variety of different nuts, and, despite the fact that everyone knows about their benefits, Ilive offers more detailed study of their useful properties.


Protect from atherosclerosis. According to research, pistachios can reduce the level of bad cholesterol by 6%. Protect against Alzheimer's and Pakinson's. Also, these nuts are useful for sight, they include carotenoids - zeaxanthin and lutein, and antioxidants protect cells from free radicals.


The use of almonds helps to reduce weight, and also protects against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, reducing the level of insulin in the blood.


Suppress the growth of cancer cells, are useful in Alzheimer's disease, improve memory and learning ability. It will also be useful for PMS: thanks to the manganese content in walnuts, the bloating decreases and the mood rises. And melatonin, which is rich in these nuts will help normalize sleep and reduce headaches.


Cashews are very useful for the immune system, which is beneficially affected by zinc, contained in cashews. Magnesium is useful for strengthening memory, and copper makes bone tissue stronger.


Resveratrol is a powerful natural antioxidant that protects against Alzheimer's. Also, peanuts are very useful for restoring work: it contains a lot of protein and a little fat.


Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on eyesight and skin due to the high content of vitamin E, and also reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, protecting the body from atherosclerosis.

Macadamia Nut

Effectively reduce inflammation in patients with high cholesterol, protect against coronary heart disease. And monounsaturated fats reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

Brazilian nut

One Brazil nut contains the daily norm of selenium, and it also helps to protect against prostate and breast cancer.


Pine nuts

They will be an excellent assistant for those who struggle with excess weight: pine nuts reduce appetite due to the fact that increase the production of hormones responsible for feeling full. Also useful for strengthening the immune system and memory due to the high content of zinc and magnesium.

Pecan nuts

Reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the level of good, as well as increase the performance of a person, saturating the body with protein.

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