
Science and Technology

Optical fiber will help in the treatment and diagnosis

The method of impact pulses of light on brain cells has a great potential, scientists actively work in this direction and study the possibilities of its use not only in treatment but also in diagnostics. 

01 November 2016, 09:00

Novelties of nanotechnology: it became possible to produce alcohol from the air

Employees of the American Institute of Physics invented the latest graphene and copper "nanoigles" that convert carbon dioxide into particles of ethyl alcohol, using the energy potential of electric current.

31 October 2016, 09:00

We are on the threshold of a new life

Scientists are sure that in a few decades on our planet there will be global changes, up to the destruction of all life on earth, in their opinion, it is more likely that our lives will be changed by the following discoveries and developments

28 October 2016, 09:00

Mutations in genes can cause deadly insomnia

According to scientists, each person in the genes has more than 50 mutations in the genes, which can cause the development of a serious disease and even death. But most often these mutations are not manifested in any way, and a person lives happily to old age.

27 October 2016, 09:00

People who are in a hurry during a meal at risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Japanese scientists continue to conduct successful studies, confirming the relationship between what and how people use for food, and the state of his health.

26 October 2016, 09:00

Virtual reality will help get rid of phobias

Virtual reality (VR) means not only entertainment and computer games, now VR is used in various fields of activity.

25 October 2016, 09:00

Artificial blood will help patients with leukemia

At the Murdoch University of Technology (Australia), a team of specialists created artificial blood. The scientists reported on the successful completion of the experiment on growing blood cells from the stem cells in the laboratory.

24 October 2016, 09:00

Scientists have created a three-dimensional model of the cell

Molecular biologists are making tremendous progress in their research work, and soon a 3D cell may appear, which will mark the beginning of a new era in medicine and help to make new discoveries.

20 October 2016, 09:00

The brain of a woman is capable of changing in size

Scientists came to the conclusion that the volume of the brain in women is able to change cyclically.

18 October 2016, 09:00

The relationship between obesity and health problems is established

Fat deposits are often problem areas, with which many girls are struggling with a share of success. Dreaming of having a slim figure, some of them choose a gym, and others - strict diets.

17 October 2016, 09:00


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