A young scientist, twenty-eight-year-old doctor of sciences Olga Brovarets, made a truly sensational discovery, capable of putting the long-awaited point in the matter of combating oncological diseases.
Considerable low-calorie food can contribute to the prolongation of human life. This conclusion was made by scientific researchers from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, together with scientists from the National Institute of Aging.
A number of scientific studies have allowed specialists to conclude that inadequate physical activity leads to a faster aging of cells at the genetic level.
A new study was conducted at the Health Research Center, which is located at the Texas Institute. Experts are sure that black coffee can replace such an expensive drug as Viagra.
The study of Harvard scientific experts, which lasted more than ten years, made it possible to find a close relationship between the lack of excess weight and the consumption of wine.
Antibacterial resistance and ways to combat it are of increasing concern to scientists from all over the world, since if in the near future they do not learn how to combat the ability of bacteria to resist drugs, people will be defenseless before infections.