

Scientists have determined that in the mantle of our planet there are huge amounts of water

Recently, scientists have been able to obtain evidence that under all accessible layers of our earth there are large reserves of water, which several times exceed those available on the surface of the earth.
10 July 2014, 09:04

Air in large cities disrupts the brain

Air pollution in large cities adversely affects the brain of people living there.
02 July 2014, 09:04

Biofuel is also dangerous to the environment, like gasoline

Recent research has shown that biofuels are no less a threat to the environment.
27 June 2014, 09:00

City noise has a negative impact on human health

Infinite noise from automobile routes, aircraft, music and other sounds of the city increase the likelihood of heart and vascular disease, and also provoke obesity.
19 June 2014, 09:00

For the use of plastic bags the Scots will have to pay an additional fee

In Scotland, local authorities from October 2014 will introduce a special fee, which will be levied on each plastic bag.
12 June 2014, 09:00

The point of no return is passed and climatic changes are inevitable

Some experts believe that this year humanity is waiting for the hottest summer in the history of human development.
06 June 2014, 09:00

The effect of flame retardants in pregnancy reduces the level of intelligence in a future child

The contact of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy with such substances (fire retardants) leads to a child's hyperactivity and decreased intelligence.
03 June 2014, 09:00

IKEA plans to start selling e-bikes

In Vienna, an electric bike from IKEA costs about 800 euros (a little more than $ 1000), but if you have a special member card, you can get a discount of as much as 100 euros.
30 May 2014, 09:00

Due to pollution in the air nearly 4 million people died

In Geneva, the World Health Organization announced the results of one study, which showed that almost half of the urban population suffers from pollution present in the air.
21 May 2014, 16:45

Uric acid in swimming pools is hazardous to health

Chloride cyanide has a high toxicity and causes local irritation, choking, and can also lead to death.
15 April 2014, 09:32


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