In most cases, the patient cannot accurately indicate the time and reason when the first symptoms of osteoarthrosis appear. A sufficiently long time, even in the presence of histopathological changes and radiographic signs, is asymptomatic.
Systemic osteoporosis is a complex multifactorial disease characterized by usually slow asymptomatic progression until the appearance of bone fractures, which in most cases are the first reliable signs of osteoporosis.
In the absence of results of conservative treatment of certain diseases of the joints, an operation is performed to remove the damaged part or all of the synovial membrane lining the articular capsule - synovectomy.
In the course of preclinical studies, a potential mechanism of action and therapeutic latitude (effective - toxic dose) of the drug are studied.
The strategy of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is based on different approaches and "targets". The overall goal of the strategy should be to reduce the number of fractures in the population or improve the prognosis for those who have already undergone fracture (a population approach to prevention and treatment).
Currently, the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is based on the use of two main groups of drugs: stimulating bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption (antiresorbents).
Human joints are wonderful anatomical formations. What man-made machine can exist and work for dozens and dozens of years? To better appreciate the work of such a wonderful device, as joints, consider the following facts. If the body weight of a person is 50 kg, with each step on his knee joint, the load is more than 150 kg.
Primary prevention of osteoarthritis should be carried out as early as childhood. It is necessary to monitor the correct posture of the child at the school desk in order to avoid the formation of juvenile scoliosis with the subsequent development of deforming spondylosis. Children need systematic gymnastics to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.
A physician of the therapeutic profile should remember that every patient with osteoarthritis, regardless of the stage of the disease, should be consulted by an orthopedist who decides on the necessity and scope of surgical intervention.
As a natural component of articular cartilage, glucosamine sulfate (sulfated derivative of natural aminomonosaccharide of glucosamine) was first used as a tool that stimulates reparative processes in patients with osteoarthrosis more than 20 years ago.