
Face - Top 100

Aging of the epidermis is associated with the action of free radicals and age-related changes taking place in the body. In the process of vital activity in the body free radicals and oxidants are formed, that is, aggressive forms of oxygen.
To preserve the youthfulness of the skin, not only proper care is needed, but also its supply with useful substances. Vitamins of group B represent the most extensive group of organic compounds
Retinol or vitamin A is very useful for dry and problematic dermis. The substance has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.
Especially popular among cosmetic procedures is superficial chemical peeling, which helps to eliminate certain skin problems and improve the texture of the epidermis. Such a procedure is peeling with ferulic acid.
Rosacea is one of the most common skin diseases that a practicing dermatologist has to face. The history of the study of rosacea is long and ornate.
Irritation after shaving - this problem is known to most men, and women, too.
Perhaps, nothing causes such great moral suffering at the same time to such a large number of young people as acne (or acne to whom it is more like to call this unpleasant phenomenon).
The flabby skin on the face today is quite common, and it does not look attractive at all - usually it is saggy, has a pale shade, and wrinkles appear faster on it.

Shaving is a rather unpretentious process, with the bases of which every male teenager is familiar. Nevertheless, even experienced in this regard, mature men face such an unpleasant reaction of the skin as irritation after shaving on the face, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, and also looks quite unaesthetic.

In medicine, for definition of flabby skin, there is a special term "atonic" skin, i.e. Has lost its tonus.


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