
Leg injuries

Open fracture of the leg

Injury with an open wound is always more dangerous to health, because as a result of such a violation, serious damage occurs both to bones and tissues. An open fracture of the foot is very easy to distinguish from a closed one, as when it is visibly seen the outwardly breaking broken bone.

Sprain on leg

Sprain on the leg is one of the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Fractures of toes and lower legs

Fractures of the toes often go without special attention on the part of the victims because these miniature bones can themselves heal. There are almost no pains after such fractures.

Sprain of the ankle

Stretching of the ankle ligaments is a damage to the ankle ligaments, usually from the outside. Both one and a group of ligaments of the ankle joint can be damaged. Women are more at risk of ankle injury.

Hematoma on the leg

Hematoma on the foot - a very common phenomenon that occurs, mainly, when injuring the limb - as a result of bruises, shocks or falls.

What should I do if my toes are broken?

If the toes are fractured, the affected area may not heal for a long time. And with improper handling and treatment, the finger can lose its shape and flexibility. What are the causes, symptoms of a broken toe, and what to do about it?

Bruises on legs

You fell off the bike, hit your calf on the coffee table, and suddenly saw a nasty blue bruise spreading over your leg. Why do bruises on legs arise, how to deal with them and how to avoid them?

Prevention of leg injuries with exercises

In order not to get another leg injury, get ahead of the process - take care of injury prevention. When there is an overload of muscles, calcium cells are abundantly applied to the cells of your bones so that you can avoid fracture. Learn not to overload the body, and eat right.

Alternative means for bruises, sprains and fractures

Often people suffer from bruises, sprains and get other troubles in the form of injuries. In order not to go to the doctor, you can cure the ailments yourself, with the help of alternative medicine. Your attention - alternative means with bruises, fractures and ryatyazheniyah

What is the danger of pain in the knee and what to do about it

Pain in the knee can be caused by sudden trauma, excessive damage or a major chronic illness, such as arthritis.


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