
Clinical studies

Klebsiella in the feces of an adult and a child

Klebsiella is a type of enterobacteria, which is an opportunistic pathogen. These are capsule-shaped gram-negative rods, arranged singly, in pairs or in chains. They are considered very dangerous, because. Resistant to existing antibiotics.

Fecal analysis for Helicobacter pylori

At the moment, Helicobacter pylori is recognized as one of the most commonly diagnosed infections affecting humans. The name of this pathogenic microbe literally translates as "a spiral-shaped bacterium living in the pyloric (lower) segment of the stomach."

Increased red blood cells in urine in women

Elevated erythrocytes in the urine of women are an important diagnostic sign that can indicate various pathological conditions, increased stress on internal organs and systems, impaired adaptation processes, and much more.

Prostate Secret Analysis

Laboratory testing of body fluid secreted by the prostate gland - analysis of prostate secretion - is a non-invasive (painless and safe) diagnostic procedure. This analysis allows you to assess the condition of the gland, as well as determine the disease at an early stage.

Cystitis tests: what should I take?

You should not play with your health, especially since it is not that difficult to diagnose cystitis. With the existing complaints, the patient can turn to his therapist, and he will make a preliminary diagnosis on the basis of medical history and laboratory tests and decide which doctor to visit: patient, urologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, venereologist, etc.

Results of smear on flora: leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelium, mucus

A gynecological or urological smear is a study of not only the microflora that lives inside our body, but also other components of the internal environment, which can also carry important information for diagnosis.

Bacterial and non-bacterial flora in a smear

The coccal flora in a smear, whose representatives are spherical in shape, can be represented in all the richness of its species. Normally, cocci along with other opportunistic and neutral microorganisms in the vagina are present in a total volume of not more than 5%.

What does a smear show on flora?

The result of a microbiological or cytological examination may be handed to the patient or sent to the doctor who prescribed the analysis (gynecologist, urologist, etc.). To record the evidence provided a special form of bacteriological or cytological examination.

Erythrocytes in the urine: symptoms, effects, diagnosis

Complaints of pain usually accompany urolithiasis, cystitis, uric acid crisis. In other cases, the pain may not be. The greatest danger in this case are tumor processes in the bladder and kidneys.


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