
Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Treatment of eustachyitis at home

In most cases, the treatment of eustachyitis is carried out at home, which requires some effort from the patient and his relatives.

Treatment of eustachyitis

Antibiotics for eustachyitis should be prescribed only if the fact of its microbial nature is confirmed, and preferably after determining the type of its causative agent.


Eustachyitis (another name for turbo-otitis) is one of the diseases of the hearing organ of inflammatory nature.


Hemisinusitis is a condition in which inflammation occurs in one of the sinus halves in the skull bone, which is usually paired (left and right).

Purulent rhinosinusitis

Purulent rhinosinusitis - acute, subacute or chronic - is defined when inflammation of the air-bearing sinuses (sinuses or cavities) surrounding the nasal cavity is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate in them and its discharge from the nose in the form of purulent runny nose (rhinitis).

Occupational hearing loss

Occupational hearing loss - occupational hearing loss - develops as a result of intensive influence of industrial conditions (excessive noise over 80 decibels, vibration, intoxication, etc.).

Chronic rhinosinusitis

A long-term inflammatory process in the perinasal sinuses (sinuses) - maxillary (maxillary), frontal (frontal), cuneiform (sphenoidal) or lattice (ethmoidal) - is defined by two synonymous terms: chronic sinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis.

Vestibular ataxia

Vestibular ataxia reveals itself by the patient's unsteadiness when standing or sitting, and especially when walking.

Hearing loss in one ear

A condition in which a person stops perceiving sounds in one of the ears is defined as a hearing loss in one ear - unilateral, unilateral, or asymmetrical - in which the opposite ear hears normally.

Chronic hearing loss

Prolonged (more than three months) hearing loss - a decrease in the normal hearing threshold - is medically defined as chronic hearing loss or chronic hypoacusis.


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