
List Treatment – T

Skin allografts are used in patients with extensive burns and other conditions with massive loss of skin. Allografts are used to cover large affected surfaces and, thus, reduce the loss of tissue fluid and proteins and prevent the development of invasive infections.
Congenital aplasia (agenesis) of the uterus is often found only in adolescence, when a girl gets to see a gynecologist because of a lack of menstruation.
Transplantation of islet cells of the pancreas has theoretical advantages in comparison with the whole organ transplantation: the procedure is less invasive, the islets can be stored in cryopreserved, which makes it possible to optimize the transplantation time.
The first successfully transplanted organ was the kidney (Murray J., Boston, USA, 1954). It was a related transplantation: the donor was an identical twin of a recipient suffering from chronic renal failure. In 1963, T. Shtartsl in Denver (USA) initiated the clinical transplantation of the liver, but real success was achieved only in 1967.
Transcranial electroanalgesia is a method of local action by impulse electric current of relevant parameters through electrodes and moist hydrophilic pads (or with the help of an electroconductive gel), which are applied to the skin of certain areas of the head.
This class of drugs initially combined funds designed primarily to treat symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders. The absence of an antipsychotic effect in the range of psychopharmacological activity, as well as the ability to cause extrapyramidal disorders, served as the basis for their isolation from other psychotropic drugs.
This ethomidate is a carboxylated imidazole derivative. It consists of two isomers, but only the 11 (+) - isomer is an active substance. As midazolam containing an imidazole ring, the preparations undergo intramolecular rearrangement at physiological pH, as a result of which the ring is closed and the molecule acquires fat solubility.
In recent years, the possibility of using deprivation (sleep deprivation) to treat depressive conditions is increasingly being discussed. Most researchers recommend using this method both at the initial stages of an endogenous depressive attack, and in cases of therapeutically-resistant depression.
Before beginning the transfusion, it is necessary to check the labeling of the container, carry out compatibility tests to ensure that the component is intended for the recipient.
Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease that develops after infection with a special kind of bacteria - mycobacterium.
In the medicamentous treatment of gastroenterological diseases, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, tablets are used from stomach ulcers of various pharmacological actions.
According to its principle of action, all tablets from smoking are divided mainly into three types: nicotine substitutes - in the composition there is nicotine or cytisine (a substance that exerts an effect similar to a smoked cigarette on the body).
Doctors recommend choosing the most appropriate pills for motion sickness and nausea, assuring that there is no universal remedy. To detect exactly "your" drug may need several attempts.
Tablets from excitement greatly facilitate the life of modern people. Constant stress and critical situations can knock a person out of the rut.
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease that affects the brain. With epileptic seizures, convulsions occur accompanied by a disconnection of consciousness.
To such an infectious dermatological disease as lichen are diseases caused by different pathogens. And there are papular-exfoliative pathologies, the true cause of which is still unknown.
Stress in the modern world is not so rare. Despite the fact that the number of people with mental disorders is constantly growing, few people seek qualified help.
Excessive doses of alcohol are detrimental to the human body. The process of cleavage of ethyl determines a strong toxic load on the functional activity of internal organs. In other words, a person received alcohol poisoning.
Many pills from sore throats help not only to remove unpleasant symptoms, but also to stop the development of the inflammatory process that caused them.


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