
Serious relationship went online

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Girls who have access to the Network from home, have good advantages for the rapid conclusion of long-term romantic relationships. This conclusion was made by psychologists from Stanford University. A team of experts led by Professor Michael Rosenfeld studied 4002 adult men and women, of whom 3009 were married or had serious partnerships. At the same time, half of the participants used dating sites at work, and the other through access to the virtual world from home.

In the course of the work, it became clear that the Internet is becoming a leading social arena, in particular it is becoming increasingly important as a place where couples not only meet, but make long-lasting relationships. The study also found that virtual space has become especially important for finding potential partners in groups of people who, for some reason, find it difficult to find friends, husbands and wives, such as homosexuals, lesbians and heterosexual middle-aged people.

According to observations, 82.2% of the volunteers interviewed who had access to the Internet at home quickly found their soul mate, a romantic friend or sexual partner, compared to 62.8% who used the Network in the office. Online communication is not just a new and more effective way to keep in touch with existing social positions, but also an effective mediator that helps to establish personal life in real life, added co-author Dr. Ruvim Thomas of the University of New York.

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