Intensity of sexual activity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The intensity of sexual activity is an important, but not the main, indicator, only indirectly characterizing the so-called normal sexual life.
The concept of the norm in sexology is one of the insufficiently developed questions. For a long time this norm was identified with specific digital data on the number of sexual acts during a certain period of time and the duration of the sexual intercourse, which led to various errors and caused numerous iatrogenia.
- "Norms" of intensity of sexual life
From ancient times to the present, numerous attempts have been made to work out some average norms of the intensity of sexual life. So, Zoroaster (Persia) prescribed to have coitus 1 time in 9 days. Solomon and Mohammed for married women established in their time a norm of 3-4 coitus a month, if they have no special reasons to temporarily abstain from sexual activity. The most detailed of these norms, depending on the profession, are indicated in the Talmud. According to this sacred book, young people were allowed to live sexually every day, to artisans and workers - twice a week, scientists - once a week, caravan guides - once a month, and seamen twice a year. The average rate for Moses (the Bible) is 10 coitus a month. Almost the same norms we meet in the Lutheran religion. Martin Luther considered the norm of 2 coitus a week.
In themselves, the words "rarely" and "often" are relative and depend on their interpretation of each patient. So, for the same question: "How often do you have sexual intercourse?" - from one patient you can hear: "Very often, almost every decade," and from another: "Not often. There are days when not more than once." Apparently, the intensity of sexual life and the attitude of a woman to her can individually fluctuate within wide limits.
So, in the book "Psychotherapy" D. Miiller-Hegemann says that, according to Schulz-Hencke, the ability to orgasm in men ranges from 1 coitus per month to 3 times a day, and in women - from 1 coitus in 2-3 months up to 1 time per night. Data D. Miiller-Hegemann, undoubtedly, significantly reduced. In both cases, this ability is much higher for both men and women. Thus, GS Vasilchenko points out that the maximum number of orgasms in men was 6.8 ± 0.52 per day.
We give the maximum male excesses, described in the scientific and fiction literature.
V. Andreev's monograph mentions a Moorish nobleman who used to have sexual intercourse with 40 wives of his harem for three days.
Julius Caesar possessed extremely strong sexual excitability. He lived in parallel with many women. His mistresses were many wives of Roman senators, queens (Egyptian queen Cleopatra and Mauritanian Eunya). From Cleopatra, he had a son, and his long-term mistress Servilia, the mother of Brutus, brought Caesar and his daughter Julia the Third. The People's Tribune, Helvius Cinna, even wrote and drafted a bill allowing Caesar to have unhindered communication with all the women of Rome, supposedly to increase the number of offspring of the great Caesar. Opponents of Caesar attributed to him, in addition to such heterosexual promiscuity, widespread use of passive pederasty. Thus, the expression of the Roman senator Kurion the Elder, who in his speeches said that Julius Caesar "Omnium virorum mulierum est et omnium mulierum vir", went down in history.
Elector of Saxony and the King of Poland Augustus II was the husband of 700 wives and the father of 354 children. Augustus II received the nickname Strong, as he jestfully broke the horseshoes, flattened cups and plates in his hands, rolled strong Prussian thalers with his fingers like paper. According to him, during the night he visited up to five mistresses.
In Greek mythology, the thirteenth feat of Hercules is known, which, on the orders of the Mycenaean king Evrasfey, fertilized 40 virgins overnight. According to other sources, Hercules accomplished this feat when he was not yet 20 years old, at the request of King Thespian, whom he captivated with his radiant purity and intelligence. Thespies literally begged Hercules to give heirs to his 50 daughters. Hercules agreed, and in 9 months the princesses gave birth to 51 babies (one gave birth to twins). True, Hungarian historian Lajos Meshterhazi doubted that all this happened in one night, explaining this detail with the "cult of Hercules."
G. S. Vasilchenko observed one forty-two-year-old sculptor, who for many years had to have at least 6-7 ejaculations per day. Without this, he could not work creatively. GS Vasilchenko quotes from the Kinsey Report, which states that one lawyer for 30 years had an average of more than 30 ejaculations per week.
In our practice repeatedly met women who had up to 8-10 sexual intercourse per day, 80-100 coitus a month.
Havelock Ellis reports one village girl who had coitus in a row with 25 guys and boys without any harm to her psyche. Of course, the maximum sexual excesses fall to the share of professional prostitutes. So, Lawson writes about one woman from the Marques Islands, which served 103 men for one night.
It should be noted that some women, having received one orgasm, can immediately begin to receive a second, and then a third, etc. Among our patients were women who had the opportunity to receive up to 10 or more orgasms in one sexual act (an orgasmic series or a multi- suppositiveness). We give a number of exquisite examples.
L. Ya. Yakobzon and IMPorudominsky were considered the norm 1 coitus every 3-4 days, N.V. Ivanov "relative medical norm" for people 34-35 years - 2-3 coitus a week, and S.A. Selitsky the same 2-3 coitus per week considers "the maximum norm".
V. Hammond proposed much more stringent norms. He considered daily coitus an excess for even the strongest and healthy men. In his opinion, coitus 2 times a week will also be an excess and most people will lead to premature loss of sexual ability. Obviously, such an unrealistic view of Hammond can be seen as an expression of the morality of Victorianism prevailing at that time in England. According to Hammond, a man should start a sexual life not earlier than 21 years. For the age of 21-25 years, he sets the norm-1 coitus in 10-12 days, and for 25-40 years-once a week. D. Miiller-Hegemann cites very interesting data from Davis, who conducted a questionnaire among 1000 women with higher education: 2% of questioned women had 1-2 coitus per night, 8 per cent per night, 8 per cent per day, 33 per cent. 1 coitus per week - 45% and 1 coitus per month - 12%.
Currently GS Vasilchenko rightly points out that a significant range of intensity of sexual life is the norm, because the intensity itself depends on very many causes of a biological, psychological and social nature. In connection with the rejection of the functional spinal impotence in modern sexopathology, which appears to be due to the depletion of the nerve centers of the spinal cord, the very notion of kurtosis narrowed and acquired a different meaning.
The same is true for modern views on masturbation. Without denying some of the unfavorable psychological consequences of masturbation in the form of fencing off the onanist from social contacts (autization), immersion in introspection, especially among young people with psychasthenic personality traits that are predisposed to it, hypochondriacal and anxious, it should definitely be said that there are no morbid phenomena of onanism causes and usually stops with the onset of a regular sexual life.
In the old sexological literature, the harm caused by masturbation was equated with the consequences of plague and other epidemics. As diseases directly related to masturbation, epilepsy, schizophrenia, neurasthenia were mentioned. The longest held opinion was on the causal relationship of masturbation of a man with spinal impotence, and woman's onanism - with frigidity, nymphomania, diseases of the external genitalia.
Tissot believed that masturbation is more common in women than in men. Rohleder even assumed that out of 100 women, 95 ever engaged in masturbation, Delaïde also believed that masturbation is equally common among both women and men. II Mechnikov, in his Studien uber die Nates des Menschen, says that girls masturbate much fewer boys, explaining this by the later appearance of their sexuality. M. Mar-gulis quotes Gutseit: "Almost every girl from 18 to 20 years who does not have sexual intercourse is engaged in masturbation." IL Botneva observed one patient who had up to 15 masturbatory orgasms a day. According to K. Imelinski (Poland), masturbation in girls is noted in 44.8% of cases. Researchers of other countries report similar figures.
The most serious attention should be paid to the quality side of sexual life, a full-fledged sex life of a woman should be determined by the following indicators:
- the presence of a physiological orgasm in a woman after each sexual intercourse or, at any rate, after 75% of sexual acts;
- presence in the same limits of psychoemotional orgasm (in any case, during the first ten years of living together);
- satisfaction of the multiorganistic need (orgastic series), if any. In this case, it is necessary to exclude pathological conditions, namely nymphomania;
- the coincidence of the ranges of acceptability in both spouses and the absence of other types of sexual disharmony;
- thought out and adequate system of protection from pregnancy with preservation of an opportunity of periodic hit of a semen in female genitals.
In the presence of these indicators, the frequency of sexual acts, in our opinion, is not of significant significance.
Some authors believe that the absence of orgasm in a woman with general satisfaction (satisfaction) does not significantly violate her sexual life.
Of the factors that affect the intensity of sexual activity, we mention the early onset of sexual activity in men, which sometimes leads to a faster decrease in its intensity. The early onset of sexual activity in women in case of rape or too early marriage without love (eastern countries) can lead to a decrease or complete suppression of libido, an aversion to sexual life.
VA Kiselev and Yu. G. Zubarev, having examined 186 frigid women, note that the earlier a girl starts having sex, the higher the percentage of frigidity. In cases of hyper-sexuality, the early onset of sexual activity leads to a woman's superpotency. Excessive fatigue, physical and mental asthenia lead to a decrease in the intensity of sexual activity.
The intensity of sexual life affects the profession, although there is no consensus on this issue. Some authors argue that mental labor seems to reduce libido and potency. Special importance in reducing potency researchers attached to mathematics. Poussais as early as 1836 wrote that mathematical problems oppress sexual potency, and G. De Coux and M. St.-Arge advised to engage in mathematics for distraction from excessive sexual arousal. The same opinion was shared by V. Hammond. G. De Coux and M. St.-Arge give an example of a mathematician who could never finish coitus, because before the orgasm he suddenly came up with the solution of a geometric problem or equations that he was just busy with on that day.
NVSlotov, after studying 67 cases of male impotence, whose treatment was ineffective, found that among them there were 12 teachers of mathematics, 4 theoretical engineers, 1 astronomer, 10 accountants, 16 designers and bookkeepers and 5 cashiers. Thus, out of 67 unsuccessfully treated patients with impotence, 48 had to do with mathematics.
PI Kovalevsky, on the contrary, believed that healthy men engaged in mental activity, with good nutrition and the right regimen, not only do not experience impotence, but even noted increased sexuality and only excessive mental fatigue, especially in weak and depleted individuals, leads to a decrease in potency.
According to S. Schnabl, women engaged in mental work have a high frequency of coitus, a more pronounced libido and a better relationship with a partner.
Let's give some data on the influence of the intensity of sexual intercourse on the state of health and even the possibility of death during and after sexual intercourse. In tubercular patients, as a rule, libido and sexual reactions are markedly increased in comparison with healthy people. There are cases when the increase in blood pressure during sexual intercourse led to a dangerous hemoptysis in such patients.
Increasing blood pressure and changing blood supply to the brain during coitus in elderly people with atherosclerotic events can lead to a catastrophe with a fatal outcome from a stroke or embolism. These cases of sudden death at the time of orgasm were called "sweet death" (la mort douce, tod susse). The death of Pandu in the arms of his wife Madola is described in the ancient Indian book. The mighty king of the Huns Attila died during coitus from the rupture of a large vessel. In 1909 and 1912 two works by Lipa Bey were published on the subject in the German press. Max Marcuse writes that cases of la mort douce are not uncommon in our days. He believed that the largest statistics of such sudden deaths are the archives of police departments, where the records of deaths in brothels are kept.
German sexologists (M. Marcuse et al.) Considered a classic example of the description of such death in fiction the case given in the novel by E. J. Hof-mann "Das Freulein von Scuderi". The case described in this novel refers to "tod in sexuallen Affekt", but more suitable for la mort douce, we consider the description of the death of Dr. Emilion Godes in the story of modern Brazilian writer Jorge Amado "Tereza Batista, tired of fighting."
As indicated, these general reactions of the body to sexual intercourse are much more pronounced in men than in women. It was considered that the cases of 1a mort douce are the exclusive prerogative of men, but we managed to find in the medical literature a case of a la mort douce of a woman. M. Fiesch reported a 51-year-old woman who had several times giving birth, suffering from diabetes and a heart disease that suddenly died (apparently from a pulmonary embolism) a few minutes after a violent sexual intercourse.