
9 most unusual sexual deviations

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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24 October 2012, 19:00

Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, some syndromes and diseases still put doctors and scientists at a dead end and cause considerable surprise to people. Some of them are congenital, and some develop during life.

Unusual sexual deviations

Persistent genital excitation disorders (FGAD)

People with this disorder are constantly in a state of sexual arousal. The actual symptoms may vary. Women often experience physical signs of arousal, which are characterized by high sensitivity in the genital area, which forces them to abandon certain types of clothing that cause excitement. People with genital frustration experience dozens of spontaneous orgasms a day. Sometimes additional stimulation gives relief, but not for long: after a few hours, the state of stimulation returns again. This can last as several days, and several months. It would seem that it's too bad to get an orgasm every day? However, for a sick person, this is not pleasure at all, but the impossibility to live a full life - it is normal to work, spend time with the family and even sleep.

Read also: A nurse tests over a hundred orgasms a day

Some patients say that this condition they experience since childhood, some have such feelings after pregnancy or during menopause.


This condition is characterized by constant excitation of the penis, which is quite dangerous, he himself is unable to return to a calm state. The disease was named after the Greek god Priapus, who went down in history because of his disproportionately large genital organ, which was constantly in erect condition. It is known that the cause of priapism is complicated neurological and vascular factors, but until the end of this deviation has not been studied. In the worst case, this condition can lead to gangrene.


Hypersexuality or excessive hyperactivity of sexual desire is classified as a mental disorder. People with hypersexuality are often prone to risky sexual behavior, such as sex with prostitutes and unprotected sex with many strangers, which increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. These people are usually obsessed with sex to an extreme degree, which often hinders normal life, creating problems at work and in private life.

Read also: Hypersexuality is recognized as a mental disorder

Also, hypersexity can be a consequence of mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Treatment of hypersexuality varies depending on what is associated with this disorder. For some patients, drugs that lower testosterone levels, as well as training with psychologists, can be helpful.

Sexomnia or sex in a dream

As a rule, people with a diagnosis of sex are not aware of their adventures at night. They can have sex or masturbate in a dream, and next morning do not remember what is happening at night. There were also cases when a person in this state committed rape, but for him it remained only a dream of a sexual nature. This disorder is very similar to sleepwalking. The development of sexual abuse can be affected by alcohol abuse, chronic insomnia and other disorders caused by certain diseases, for example, epilepsy.


There are people who are hard to do without regular sexual relations and even a week of "stagnation" may seem like an eternity, but some people may be surprised at this attitude to sex, because they do not feel the slightest attraction to sexual pleasures. This disorder is called asexuality and lasts not a week, not a month, but always. Until now, discussions have been held in medical circles about the recognition of the fourth orientation or sexual constitution.

See also: The fourth sexual orientation is open

Asexuals are not sexually dysfunctional. They are physically able to have sex, but prefer not to do so. They are not worried about lack of sexual desire and do not consider that something is wrong with them, so rejection of sexual relations does not affect the health status of asexuals, because they, unlike people who suppress a natural desire for some reason , do not fight with your body.

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This deviation is characterized by obsessive behavior, which manifests itself in socially unacceptable ways of satisfying sexual desire. In other words, a person is excited by something unusual and strange, although the people who suffer paraphilia do not find in their addictions anything inadequate. In total there are 113 officially recognized paraphilia, but in fact the source that causes sexual fantasies can be anything.


This is an intersexual state in which a person is born with testicle tissues (male genital organs) and ovaries (female genital organs). People with this disease may have been exposed to high levels of male hormones in the womb, or may be affected by a deficiency of aromatase, an enzyme that turns male sex hormones into female hormones.


This phenomenon, in which the penis reaches less than 12 centimeters in the erect state. The reasons for the inadequate development of the reproductive organ may be a congenital pathology of the endocrine system or acquired endocrinopathy, which develops due to a deficiency of testosterone. This problem is the reason for the development of most men's psychological problems, including self-doubt, social setbacks and difficulties in communicating with women. From the level of male sex hormones during puberty directly depends on the length of the penis, because they are responsible for the growth of the genital organs.


This definition of duplication of the penis in medicine. This phenomenon is quite rare, and in history there are about a hundred known cases of diphtheria. In men with this deviation, both penis can function normally, but usually these people are infertile. Often the treatment of diphtheria is radical - the removal of one less developed organ.


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