
The fourth sexual orientation is opened

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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21 August 2012, 08:39

An authoritative Canadian scientist discovered the fourth sexual orientation, which does not belong to the category of perversions. According to the scientist, up to 1% of the world's population belongs to this orientation.

The fourth sexual orientation is opened - Asexuality

To date, international psychologists have recognized three variants of sexual orientation that fall into the category of normal: heterosexual, homosexual (including lesbians), and also bisexual. All other inclinations (pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia) are considered perversions, that is, sexual perversions, which must be treated.

However, Professor Anthony Bogart of the University of Brock in Canada believes that the fourth type should be added to the list of orientations. Scientists believe that up to 1% of the world's population are convinced asexuals, that is, people who are not at all interested in sex in any of its manifestations. They simply do not have libido.

Moreover, in his new book, Professor Bogart argues that the number of asexuals is constantly growing, currently amounting to 70 million people. And these people feel cut off from modern culture, "turned on sex." According to the scientist, asexuals will begin to open like gays, but only if society becomes more liberal towards them.

Asexuality, according to the scientist, is a complete loss of sexual attraction. The professor himself has been dealing with this issue since 1994, he has accumulated a huge database, interviewed thousands of people. In general, asexuals are every hundredth of us, according to the expert.

"There are two forms of asexuality: people with little interest in sex who are not directed to other people (they can masturbate) and those who are not interested in sex at all," says Professor Bogart. "It is important to remember that asexuals are not lone wolves, they need friendship, human communication, they can even have children with ECO technology "

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