
Physical activity will save from stress

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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15 September 2012, 19:45

Moderate physical activity helps people cope with anxiety and stress for a long time after the end of training, according to a study by staff from the University of Maryland.

"We are well aware that exercise improves mood and improves well-being, but little is known about the potential impact of physical activity on the emotional state of a person. Are these positive effects able to continue their positive action if every day we have to deal with stress and unrest? "says Carson Smith, lead author of the study. We found that exercise can reduce anxiety and relax, even if before that person has undergone a strong emotional shake-up. In addition, this effect is not as short-term as it seems. Even after leaving the gym, a person can better control their emotions and persistently experience any hardship. "

Physical exercises affect brain activity, aging processes and mental health.

The scientists conducted an experiment, dividing the volunteer students into two groups. One of them intensively pedaled the bikes for 30 minutes, while the second was in a state of absolute tranquility.

The experts assessed the state of anxiety before the activity and rest of both groups and after the experiment, during which the subjects showed pleasant and unpleasant photographs.

It turned out that exercise and quiet rest were equally effective in reducing the level of anxiety at the initial stage. However, as soon as the subjects were emotionally stimulated (showing 90 photos), which lasted about 20 minutes, the level of anxiety of those who just rested, returned to its original level, while those who worked on the simulators showed calm and endurance .

The results of the study show that physical activity plays an important role in maintaining the normal emotional state of people, and can also be a means to reduce anxiety and anxiety, which are the consequences of daily stressful situations.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4]

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